Mental Activities associated with thinking, knowing, and remembering
Coginitive abilites
What bean was Ari
Black Bean
Central Nevous System
Mr. Carlson is the most normal and well-adjusted of his siblings... this is most likely because he is the (oldest, middle, or baby) among his siblings?
What game inspired Greta to create a psych club about addictive gaming?
Cooking Fever
Travis's car has an annoying buzzer that sounds intil she puts her seatbelt on. He always puts it on right away. He has learned this behavior through:
Negative reinforcement
When were the first Personality Tests used by the government?
World War I (To see which soldiers could handle the horrors of war)
On pet psychology day, what did we do instead of the Animal triva Ari had planned
Watched Cat Videos. (Syd Cried)
Mr. Carlson has a teaching tool on his desk that he is proud to admit that has been in his possession longer than his students have been alive. What is it?
lol idk
What guest speakers did we have this tri?
Mary Cate
Proactive interference is what
interference effect of previously learned materials on the acquisition and retrieval of newer materials
Gorden Allport came up with a number of traits to descripe personality what was that number?
There are many direct Psychological Benifits of pets including reduce anxiety, boost self confidence, and sense of purpose. What are two indirect benifits
you meet others with pets, physical activity, structure
What professional sport does Mr. Carlson spend more of his free time watching and what is his favorite team?
goodluck on this one
We Talked about proproception and kenistitic sense, what was the funky looking guy called (represents a map of brain areas dedicated to motor processing for different anatomical divisions of the body)
Someone with damage to the cerebellum might have difficulty encoding what type of memory?
Implicit Memory
Greta gave us a personality test involving, a field, cube ladder, and horse. What psychological perspective was used by this test
psychoanalytic theory of personality
Dogs were domesticated as pets aproximatly 30,000 years ago, how long ago were cats domesticated as pets?
12,000 Years
Mr. Carlson likes to believe that human behavior is governed by two simple principles... humans are programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. In terms of psychological fields, this would make him a __________?
i forgor
Gotcha Games are a 12 billion dollar industry. Which game made the most
Clash of clans (but actually PUBG Mobile
How many diffrent memes are there on our slides.(Keep in mind how many weeks we missed this tri)
Name the Big 5 Personality traits most commonly used by psychologists today 100 points per
Stimulant or Depressant? Benzodiazepine and modafinil (could be one of each or both the same)
Depressant, Stimulant
What does Mr. Carlson read in his spare time?
probs harry potter?
There are 5 theories on why we dream name them (100 per correct)
Wish Fulfillment
Information Processing
Physiological Function
Neural Activation/activation synthesis.
Cognitive Development