What is the definition of a “coping skill”?

Anything you do to manage stressful situations, or difficult emotions


What does it mean to be “med compliant” or have good medication adherence?

Taking your medications as prescribed (the right med, the right amount, the right time, and following precautions)


Does your diet affect your mental health?



What is the tallest mammal in the world?



What are three strategies that help you fall asleep?

Reading, showering, aromatherapy, white noise, relaxing, blankets, darkness, cleanliness, bedtime routine, music, medication, meditation, exercise during the day


What is one reason that stress management important for your physical health?

Chronic stress increases the risk of high blood pressure, digestive problems, headaches, muscle tension and pain, heart disease, heart attack, or stroke


What are 2 positive effects of being med compliant (taking meds as prescribed)?

Improved sleep, appetite, socialization, concentration, mood, leisure participation. Improved physical sx such as blood pressure, blood sugar, or weight management. Decreased risk of rehospitalization.


What are the five major food groups?

Fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy (oils and fats can also be one!)


How many degrees are in a circle?



Describe three ways to create an optimal sleeping environment (how can you change the space around you to sleep better)?

Darkness/shades, temperature (a cool temperature is actually best), white noise or soft music, certain smells, clean sheets, blankets/pillows, comfort items


What are three effects of stress on your mood or behavior?

Social isolation, social withdrawal, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, anger, changes in memory and concentration, substance use, depression, racing thoughts


What are 3 negative effects of not being compliant with meds?

Increased anxiety/depression/anger, decreased sleep, increased risk of hospitalization, increased isolation, decreased appetite, physical affects like blood pressure or blood sugar changes.


What are three signs or symptoms of low blood sugar?

Hint: Anyone can experience low blood sugar from lack of food or intense exercise without eating

Weakness, shakiness, fatigue, headache, hunger, irritability, dizziness, pale skin, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, nausea, fast heartbeat


What is Thomas Edison’s most famous invention?

The lightbulb.


What is the definition of the term “sleep hygiene”?

Your behaviors and the physical environment around you that help you get the best sleep.


What are five positive coping skills?

Music, weighted blanket, calling friends or family, talking to a therapist, taking meds, exercise, singing, playing with a pet, cleaning, staying busy, preferred food, taking a shower, engaging in hobbies, journaling, being in nature


What are four medication management strategies?

Using a pill box, keeping a list, pairing meds with an existing routine, setting an alarm, asking a trusted support to help, review prescriptions with your doctor, store medications safely and consistently, keep a calendar for refills.


What should you drink throughout the day and why? What should you avoid drinking and why?

Water, to stay hydrated (up to 60% of our bodies are water!). Caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine can induce anxiety and panic attacks, both can impact sleep and physical health.


What are 3 of the new, “7 manmade wonders of the world”?

Hint: Think travel destinations!

Great Wall of China, Chichen Itza, Petra, Machu Picchu, Colosseum, Taj Mahal, Christ the Redeemer Statue


Name three negative effects of poor sleep?

Fatigue, decreased concentration, irritability, anxiety, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure, weight gain, stroke, decreased memory, decreased energy levels, riskier decision making, increased risk of accidents/injuries.


Sometimes we use our senses, like our sense of touch, taste, and smell, to calm our bodies down. We have a kind of “sixth sense” called proprioception. What is your sense of proprioception?

Proprioception is awareness of where your body is in space (it’s position and movement).


What are five questions you can ask your doctor when starting a new medication?

Why did you choose this specific medication? What will it help with? Are there any side effects? How long does it take to work? When do I take it? Are there any precautions? How do I store it? What do I do if I miss a dose? Do I need to take it with meals?


What type diet has been shown to decrease rates of depression?

The Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and nuts. Seafood is a main source of protein and olive oil is a main source of healthy fat.


When was the company “Apple” founded?

The 1970s (1976)


Why is it important to get sunlight exposure during the day, in order to help you sleep at night?

Hint: Think of a circle

It helps to reset your circadian rhythm, or your internal clock. Your internal clock regulates when your body is alert and when it feels sleepy. Sunlight helps tell your body when it’s time to be awake, so it also knows when it’s time to go to bed.
