The addition of a consequence that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Positive Reinforcement
Aversive event that decreases the behaviour that it follows
An unconditioned stimulus will result in an
Unconditioned response
Presenting an unfavorable outcome or event
Positive Punishment
This can be more effective than punishment alone
Combination of Punishment and Reward
learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
The removal of any unpleasant/ painful stimulus
Negative Reinforcement
Punish behaviour is not forgotten, it is
Russian physician/ neurophysiologist
Studied digestive secretions
Famous for salvation experiment with dogs.
Ivan Pavlov
getting car taken away for speeding and getting a ticket
Negative punishment
Reinforcement tells you ____________
Punishment tells you _____________
What to do
What NOT to do
This is the kind of response the UCS (unconditioned stimulus) must elicit in a person
Physical/ unlearned/ uncontrollable
Our minds naturally connect events that occur in
Principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely and behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely
law of Effect
Passionate Kiss = Sexual Arousal
Onion Breath+Passionate Kiss=Sexual Arousal
Onion Breath=Sexual Arousal
Onion breath represents the _______ of this example
Conditioned Stimulus