Make A Memory
Something Short Term
Long Time No See!
Memory Methods
I 'member!
I 'member! Redux

A very fickle thing, this can be short and could become long. Determining thing depends on retrieval and length of time.

What is memory?


This is the magical number of things that can be remembered using short term memory.

What is 7?


The capacity for long term memory is said to be.

What is unlimited or 1000TB or a lot?


One way to increase your short term memory, though it may make people believe you to be a bard.

What is Create a Narrative or Create a Song?


A scenario where an answer seems so very close to the surface of conscious thought that it feels like it’s...

What is Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon?


How many people did we start the year with in this class?

What is 26?


The term used to describe the process of keeping memories in.

What is Storage?


This is the average length of time short term memory lasts.

What is 12 to 30 seconds?


This explains the biological basis for the formation of long term memories.

What is new neural connections?


Materials are simplified, especially details that are relatively insignificant or those that don’t stand out. These are the elements that are quickly forgotten and left out to make room for and devote attention to what is important so you can empathize it. You are __________ to ___________.

What is Leveling to Sharpening?


Tendency to more accurately remember the beginning and end rather than the middle.

What is Serial Position Effect?


This famous basketball player was mocked for thinking the world is flat after a instagram post.

Who is Kyrie Irving?


The term used to describe the process of bringing forth memories.

What is retrieval?


This perception tool, the ability to focus on only one stimulus from among all sensory input, is a reason why we may experience some struggles with short term memory.

What is selective attention?


This is the key for something to make its way from short term to long term memory. It must be encoded in __________.

What is meaningful form or way?


A way to manipulate peoples memories, you guide with specific words to get desire result.

What is The Misinformation Effect?


The number of people who were involved in the first gossip chain we ever did.

What is 3 but more accurately 4?


This generations lazy version of "Carpe Diem", the motto started by a guy who played a kid in a wheelchair on a show about high school drama.

What is YOLO?


The term used to describe the process of putting a memory into our mind.

What is Encoding?


The process of recoding, or reorganizing, the information into meaningful units. A short term memory strategy.

What is Chunking?


The long term memories of knowing HOW to do something.

What is Procedural or Implicit Memory?


This memory method requires you to take the information to be remembered and put in around the house in your head.

What is Mind Mapping?


A type of automatic encoding, these types of memory have very strong emotional responses associated with them.

What is Flashbulb Memory?


This is the first thing you are suppose to do when walking into Mr. Pitchford's class.

What is TURN OFF your phone and turn it in?


According to this, the human brain takes essentially meaningless information and turns it into meaningful patterns.

What is the information-processing model?


This model of short term memory articulates the ability to process information while simultaneously holding on to information for later application. i.e. Solving one part of an equation to be used in another part later.

What is Working Memory?


Requiring more conscious effort, Declarative or Explicitly Memory, can be broken up into 2 categories. Name 1 of the 2.

What Semantic Memory or Episodic Memory?


strategies and memory “tricks” to help us remember information more effectively

Examples: Acronyms, Acrostics (poem, word puzzle), Linking, Rhythmic devices

What are Mnemonics?


List 4 of the 7 reasons we forget or "7 sins of memory"

What is 









What event was spontaneously purposed as Mr. Pitchford watch everyone working quietly about 2 weeks ago?

What is a Christmas Party?
