A researcher decides to study a girl who has a rare mental disease in order to learn more about the disease. What research method is being used?
Case study
Involuntary movements such as blinking are controlled by which branch of the nervous system?
Peripheral/ autonomic
Why is it difficult to move your right leg and right arm in opposite directions at the same time but easy to move your left leg and right arm in different directions at the same time?
Your leg and arm on the right side are controlled by the same side of the brain while the left leg is controlled by the other (right) hemisphere of the brain.
A young child has an accident, leaving them permanently deaf. Which of their lobes will have to adapt to this new handicap?
Temporal lobe
What is the master gland in the endocrine system?
Pituitary gland
In a priming experiment, researchers give the participants a word unscrambling task, then time the speed of the participants walking after the task. Since the thing they are studying is the participant's speed, what is that variable called?
The dependent variable
What part of the neuron passes messages away from the cell body?
The right side of the body is controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain and vise versa. what is this type of organization called?
Contralateral organization
You are walking home alone when you realize someone is behind you. You recognize this could be a dangerous situation and you suddenly feel aroused by fear. What part of your brain has been activated?
What is it called when a neuron fires an impulse (eletrical charge)?
Action potential
What is the difference between a correlational study and an experiment?
In an experimental design the independent variable(s) is being manipulated while a correlational study looks at how strongly two variables are related.
A dysfunction in this popular neurotransmitter can lead to paralysis
What part of the brain doesn't develop until age 25, but is crucial in making decisions and analyzing consequences?
Frontal lobe
After a long run, you feel thirsty and hungry. Which part of the brain is responsible for these responses? (200 pts)
A neuroscientist wants to study a participant’s brain, not only to see it, but to learn more about the functions it uses. What should this neuroscientist be using?
In some cases, just the belief that you are receiving a treatment is enough to make you feel better, even if you are not actually receiving the treatment. What is this phenomenon called?
Placebo effect
SSRIs are used to treat what mental illness?
After being in an accident, a woman is no longer able to take short-term memories and move them into long term storage, meaning she forgets everything that happens to her. What part of her brain has been damaged?
After being in an accident, a woman is no longer able to take short-term memories and move them into long term storage, meaning she forgets everything that happens to her. What part of her brain has been damaged?
What are the six Psychological perspectives?
Evolutionary, psychodynamic, neuroscience, behavioral, cognitive, and social-cultural
An experiment is being conducted to determine whether or not a new drug is working. Participants have an equal chance of being in either the control or experimental group. Neither the researcher nor the participants know which group the participant will be in. This study utilizes what 2 experimental designs?
Random assignment and double-blind
You are awakened in the middle of the night by a crashing noise. You heart races, your body shakes, and you jump out of bed. What part of your peripheral system has been aroused?
The hindbrain inclues which 4 structures?
Double points: what are the basic functions of each structure?
Medulla: basic functions: heart beat, breathing
Reticular formation: physiological arousal
Thalamus: relay station that decides what requires attention
Cerebellum: balance; smooth coordinated movements
Name and explain 3 ways the brain can be studied.
Callosomtomy- split the brain in half via corpus callosum
EEG- measuring electricity along the surface of the scalp
FMRI- looks at oxygen use in the brain, shows structure and function
Hemispherectomy- removing half of the brain and looking at deficits
Lesion study- looking at deficits that result due to the destruction of brain tissue
MRI- uses a giant magnet to look at the structure of the brain
PET scan- utilizes radioactive sugar to look at where in the brain energy is being used
For the best validity in your study, you try to give everyone in the population you are studying an equal chance of being picked for your sample. What is this called?