Sleep allows our brain to consolidate (solidify) learning and make sense of our memories.
Memory Consolidation
Deeply relaxed – muslces are paralysed so you can’t move while dreaming.
Muscle tension REM Sleep
slower reaction time, hand tremors, clumsy - difficulty with things like driving a car.
Loss motor skills/co-ordination
increased risk of microsleeps.
Increased daytime sleepiness
Dreams with plain imagery and/or simple plots – often forgotten.
Dreaming Non- REM Sleep
cell repair occurs during sleep, fixing any damage from the day. Body strengthens its immune system and eliminates waste products from muscles during sleep.
Repair and Restoration
Muscles relaxed but some movement is possible – eg. Rolling over in bed or sleepwalking.
Muscle tension Non- REM Sleep
We use less energy when sleeping than walking around.
Energy Conservation Theory
Dreams with detailed imagery and/or complex plots – often remembered.
Dreaming REM Sleep
impaired performance in pre-frontal cortex - diminished ability to organise, plan and initiate thoughts and actions, poor memory and increased lapses in attention.
Cognitive impairment:
slower and more regular.
Heart Rate Non-REM Sleep
Fast and irregular.
Heart Rate REM Sleep
increased irritability and grumpiness. Low patience; lose temper more quickly.