to make someone ideal and real self align we give this. suggested by Carl Rogers.
What is unconditional positive regard? name the other humanistic psychologist?
idea we need to reduce needs and we do that by creating drives.
What is reduction-theory?
Law stating that different performances are affected by different arousals. more and less arousal is bad for performance while optimal is best.
Yerkes-Dodson law
the big 5 idea is what type of theory?
Trait theory. what's the acronym and what does it stand for?
judging ourselves vs others. their fault because of themselves but my fault because of the environment.
Actor/observer bias
What are universal emotions? can you name the 7?
emotions felt by everyone regardless of culture or age. Happiness, sadness, contempt, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise?
Lewin's motivational theory has what 4 conflicts.
approach-approach, approach-avoidance, avoidance-avoidance, multiple approach-avoidance.
the theory that we are driven by innate behaviors.
What is instinct theory? what is the one behavior that is most closely associated with an intact in humans?
name the two projective tests?
Rorschach and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)?
Searching for information that reinforces your beliefs and ignoring the info that debunks it.
Belief perseverance
different face muscles change blood flow influencing emotions.
facial feedback theory
I like something more because I've seen it or experienced it often.
Mere-exposure effect
The idea made by Bandura that the person, behavior, and environment interact to make personality and behaviors.
reciprocal determinism
name the 8 ego defense mechanisms
repression, regression, rationalization, sublimation, reaction-formation, denial, projection, displacement.
assuming others know about the situation so you can take their advice or actions as correct.
What is informational social influence?
we lose ourselves to another group. we lose our personality to either groups or other personas.
deindividuation. what is disinhibition?
3 parts of self-determination theory
competence, autonomy, relatedness.
name the 4 parts (in order) of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
physiological needs, safety needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization.
3 parts of psychodynamic theory for both ways.
unconscious, preconscious, conscious. id, superego, ego.
the idea that people in your own group are more distinct than those out of your group.
Out-group homogeneity
goals that benefit both groups. goals that hurt collectively because a group followed their own preferences.
off button for eating deals with leptin.
Ventromedial hypothalamus?
We first see a stimulus, then we get a physiological response, then we cognitive label that response, and finally we emotionally respond.
What is Schachter two factor theory.
a trait theory that says people go for new, novel, experiences.
sensation seeking theory. name the 4 parts of it?
the thinking that because there are others around it lightens your responsibility to deal with a situation.