The pigs on the pharm
The wheels on the bus go round and round
Where is the little boy I carried?
Mirtazipine mediates increased release of norepinephrine and serotonin through what mechanism?
What is alpha 2 adrenergic blockade
A 71 year old nursing home resident experiences symptoms including Parkinsonian gait, prominent delusions, fluctuations in level of attention, visual hallucinations, and sensitivity to the extrapyramidal effects of antipsychotic medications. This clinical presentation is most consistent with what neurologic diagnosis?
What is dementia with Lewy bodies.
A 6 year old child is generally health but throws a tantrum every time the family goes hiking. Exposure to a snake during one hike led the child to become loud and agitated. The child now experiences intense distress when hiking and pleads to stay next to the parents at all times. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is specific phobia.
Smarties in Canada are most similar to why candy in the USA?
M and Ms.
Acamprosate is though to extert its action through which neurotransmitter system?
What is glutamate?
A 65 year old patient has fallen several times over the past 6 months. The patient's MSE is normal. Smooth pursuit and saccadic movements are impaired, more prominnentl for vertical gaze, but full range of motion is elicit by doll's head maneuvers. The patient has mild rigidity and bradykinesia. There is no tremor. A brain MRI is unremarkable as a the results of CSF and routine labs including tox screen. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is progressive supranuclear palsy.
A child in fourth grade is starting to fall behind in several subjects. Psychological testing reveals an IQ of 92, but lower than expected scores on achievement tests and adaptive functioning. The teacher reports that the child voices understanding of the material when taught, but struggles with classwork. What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is Learning Disability.
In the United states this is the most common method of completed suicide.
What is shooting?
What is Mellisa Ethridge
A 35 year old patient who has been stabilized on methadone maintenance treatment for 5 years is brought by family to the emergency room due to the patient's lethargy and confusion. During assessment the patient becomes obtunded with respiratory depression. The family reports that the patient recently began a new medication for a UTI. Which medication may most likely to be responsible for the patient's symptoms?
What is ciprofloxacin?
Conversion reaction, hysteroepilepsy and nonepilptic seizures are all other names for a _________
What is a "pseudoseizure"
A 9 year old boy with ADHD does not respond to methylphendiate. Which medication should be tried next?
What is Dextroamphetamine?
Asking patients "How are an apple and orange alike" assess which cognitive function?
What is abstract reasoning?
What is Brittany Spears?
What is the typical range of duration for alcohol detox using benzodiazepene withdrawal?
What is 3-5 days
A 35 year old complains of frequent headaches. The pain is described as unilateral, awakening the patient during the night, and accompanied by a runny nose and eye redness, What is the most likely diagnosis?
What is cluster headaches?
Which stage (infancy, toddle, pre-school, school age, adolescence) do children usually first exhibit the ability to recognize that their thoughts and feelings are their own and that others may think and feel differently?
What is preschool age.
What is the strongest predictor of completed suicide?
What is history of past suicide attempts.
The adverse effects of tricyclic antidepressants are most likely due to their action on:
What is fast sodium channels?
What test is recommended by the American Academy of Neurology in order to establish the diagnosis of brain death?
What is the apnea test?
What is the initial treatment of choice for mild anxiety disorders in children?
Psychotherapy alone
Gross atrophy of which neuroanatomical structure is responsible for the altered appearance of the frontal horns in Huntington Disease?
What is the caudate.