What are the three types of touches?
Safe, unsafe, confusing
Name an example of a not okay secret.
A not okay secret is something that you are not supposed to tell because it is hurtful or dangerous. Surprises are okay. Secrets are not okay.
Demonstrate taking 5 deep breaths.
In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.
Name 5 different feelings.
Angry, sad, scared, happy, calm, embarrassed, hopeful, disappointed, proud, stressed, annoyed, worried, surprised, guilty, lonely, confident, frustrated, embarrassed, confused, anxious, friendly, silly, loved, tired, excited, bored, etc.
Name one thing about yourself you do really well.
That's so cool!
Name an example of a good, bad, and confusing touch.
High-five, hitting, someone touching your private parts.
Name an example of an okay secret.
An okay secret is something fun that everyone is going to find out eventually, like a surprise. Surprises are okay. Secrets are not okay.
Name a coping skill you can use when you feel mad.
Belly breaths, counting, muscle squeezes, hug a loved one or a pillow, fidget toy, kindness to yourself and others, walk away, listen to music, go on a walk, squeeze a stress ball, take a break, think about a peaceful place, exercise, etc.
Show a feeling and have everyone guess.
Great job!
Name one thing you do to help others.
I bet they really appreciate that!
What should you do if someone tries to give you a confusing touch?
No, go, tell.
What is the difference between an okay secret and a not okay secret?
A not okay secret is something that you are not supposed to tell because it is hurtful or dangerous. An okay secret is something fun that everyone is going to find out eventually, like a surprise. Surprises are okay. Secrets are not okay.
Name a coping skill you can use when you are scared or sad.
Belly breaths, counting, muscle squeezes, hug a loved one or a pillow, fidget toy, kindness to yourself and others, walk away, listen to music, go on a walk, squeeze a stress ball, take a break, think about a peaceful place, exercise, etc.
Show a feeling and have everyone guess.
Great job!
Name something about yourself that makes you feel proud.
I am proud of you, too! You are such an awesome person!
What are the 5 sexual behavior rules?
1. It is NOT okay to look at other people's private parts.
2. It is NOT okay to show other people your private parts.
3. It is NOT okay to touch other people's private parts.
4. It is OK to touch your own private parts as long as you are in private and do not take too much time.
5. It is NOT okay to use sexual language or make other people uncomfortable with your sexual behavior.
What should you do if someone tells a not okay secret?
Find a trusted adult you can tell the not okay secret.
Why do we use coping skills?
Coping skills help us calm our body down when we are feeling upset, angry, scared, sad, worried, or lots of other feelings. When we calm our bodies, we can better think about what we want to do and not make an action we regret.
Practice telling someone how you feel.
I feel _____ when ________.
Name something amazing about yourself.
Practice telling someone "no!"
You did so fantastic!!
Who are three trusted adults that you can tell a not okay secret to?
What are your favorite coping skills?
I am so glad you have coping skills that you like!
How can you tell when you are feeling scared?
Thank you for sharing that with me!
What are three compliments or nice things that you can tell yourself when you are feeling low?
Those are wonderful compliments!