Coping Skills

What are 5 signs that a person is suffering from depression?

Acceptable answers: The person seems to be sad, hopeless, easily irritated, angry, hostile, tearful, withdrawn, careless, anxious, stressed, self-loathing, reckless, fatigued, violent, helpless, self-mutilating, suicidal, or addicted to a new substance (mainly drugs or alcohol)


These are three common physical symptoms of anxiety.

What is muscle tension, increase in heartrate, upset stomach, sleep problems, shakiness, irritation etc.?


True or False: Stimulants (i.e. Caffeine) work opposite on those with ADHD and actually slow them down. 



What is a coping skill?

An activity or tool used to cope/manage symptoms or emotions that are troubling.


This Disney fairy gets jealous during her debut movie. 

Who is Tinker Bell?


This is what feeds depression and makes it grow.

What are negative thoughts?


True or False. Exercise can make anxiety worse.

FALSE - Anxiety is the body’s fight or flight response in full swing. When there is nothing to fight and nothing to flee, the stress hormones that are surging around have nowhere to go so they build up, bringing with them the physical symptoms of anxiety. Physical activity is the natural end to the fight or flight response. Exercise helps to balance out the neurochemicals that contribute to anxiety.


These are 3 common symptoms of ADHD.

What is lack of focus, lack of concentration, inability to sit still, fidgeting, racing thoughts, impulsivity etc.?


Name two coping skills that are especially helpful for anxiety.

breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, grounding skill, mindfulness, exercise


This Disney villain was tricked into trapping himself in an "itty bitty living space". 

Who is Jafar?

Name one physical effect depression can have on your body.

Depression can take a toll on your body and cause symptoms such as body aches, weight gain, fatigue, and susceptibility to other illness/disease.


True or False: Avoiding the things that make you anxious can cure your anxiety.



An action or behavior that is difficult to control and happens without thought is call this. 

What is an impulse?


Name two coping skills that are especially good for depression.

challenging negative thoughts, exercise, doing things you enjoy, talking to support system

This Disney prince was saved by a princess but did not know who she was until the end of the movie. 

Who is Prince Eric?


Name three causes of depression.

Acceptable answers: If a person is stressed, has a family history in mental health illnesses, has imbalance in brain chemistry, or is suffering from another illness. Depression could also be brought on by low self-esteem, insecurity, bullying, or death of a close family member or friend.


These are what the things that bring on your anxiety are called. 

What are triggers?

True or False: ADHD only affects Children.



This type of coping skill is used to help you reorient yourself to the present moment and can help with feelings of dissociation. 

Grounding techniques


This famous Disney creature's most remembered quote is "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

Who is Thumper?

Is there more or less brain activity in the brain of a depressed person compared to a non-depressed brain?

There is less activity in the brain of a depressed person.


Anxiety is linked to this natural reaction that your body has to stress.

What is a the fight or flight response.


What does ADHD stand for?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


What is Mindfulness?

human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we are doing in the moment. Mindfulness is focusing on the present without regretting about the past or day-dreaming about the future. Mindfulness is about the ‘here and now,’ and it allows us to wake up and experience our present lives to the fullest.


The two Disney creatures took in a young Disney prince and raised him in the wilds.

Who are Timon and Pumba?


What are three things you can do to help yourself if you are feeling depressed?

Acceptable answers: - Do not isolate yourself. Stay around family and friends who have the ability to cheer you up. - Keep your body healthy. - Avoid alcohol and drugs. Using them may give you a temporary mood boost, but will eventually make your depression worse. - Ask for help if you are stressed. Talk to a teacher, guidance counselor, or parent if you are feeling overwhelmed.

Eat a regular healthy diet and participate in lots of exercise. Exercise is the easiest and least expensive cure for depression.


This coping skill is good for anxiety and panic attacks and uses numbers to identify the steps. What are the steps?

What is the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding skill?


True or False: ADHD looks like people who are hyperactive and can't sit still

False - ADHD has 3 subtype presentations: inattentive, hyperactive, and combined. For those with the inattentive subtype, they may present as distracted, daydreaming, and quiet, rather than hyperactive.


Who can you talk to to get help if you are feeling anxious or depressed?

You can talk to a teacher/counselor, a family member, a friend, or a worker at a community agency such as KidsHelpPhone, Here24/7 or Good2Talk.

Take a Guess: What is Kara's favorite Disney Movie?

Aristocats! Meow!

Now share your favorite Disney movie!
