What is Barnum effect?
a finding that people tend to accept vague personality descriptions as accurate descriptions of themselves
What is Vroom's theory of motivation in Industrial field?
Expectancy theory of motivation, which holds that employees expend energy in ways designed to achieve their desired outcome.
Give a sample of assessment using performance task
For children, tracing of lines to assess motor functions
For adults, driving to assess skills in the use of varied types of cars
For psychology students, conducting interviews to assess skills in conducting MSE and case history
Any physical or functional impairment in the central nervous system that results in sensory, motor, cognitive, emotional, or related deficit
Brain damage
Enumerate item analysis indexes
item reliability, item validity, item discrimination, item difficulty / endorsement
Give 3 special application of clinical measures.
To determine competence to stand trial, insanity defense, custody evaluation, and criminal profiling
Enumerate 5 samples under 12 factors used by companies to entice employment applications: et cetera
fair pay, steady job, paid vacations and holidays, job benefits, interesting work, good working conditions
Differentiate aptitude vs achievement test
Aptitude as prognostic test is given before giving any intervention such as lectures and learning materials where as achievement is administered to check how much one has mastered a learning material; thus, it is administered after every intervention is administered.
A sample reason for referral for dementia
Diagnosis and impact of memory loss
Evaluation of drug therapies.
What is ipsative scoring?
Comparing a testtaker’s score on one scale within a test to another scale within that same test
Differentiate psychometrics v projectives in 3 criteria
Administration, psychometrics are usually group vs projectives are usually individual
Format of responses, psychometrics are structured vs projectives are usually qualitative unstructured form
Interpretation, psychometrics possess reliability of numerical interpretation (objective) vs projectives that are essentially subjective or prone for inconsistencies
What is critical incidents technique?
Supervisor records positive and negative employee behaviors,and catalogues the notations according to various categories (e.g., dependability or initiative) for ready reference when an evaluation needs to be made
What is the zone of proximal development by Vgotsky?
Assesses what a learner can do without help and what they can do with guidance and encouragement from a skilled partner.
What is the deficit that is psychological or without a known physical or structural cause, and what is the possible diagnosis associated for such deficit?
Functional deficit
Conversion disorder
The reservoir or well from which items will or will not be drawn for the final version of the test
item pool
Explain 3 scales which MMPI measures.
Psychasthenia - OC, anxious symptoms of patients
Hypomania - manic depressive symptoms
Paranoia - suspiciousness, delusions of persecution, and delusions of grandeur
Hypochondriasis - exaggerated concerns about their physical health
Depression - unhappy and pessimistic attitude
Discuss two performance measures in Industrial setting.
In-basket technique assesses managerial ability, organizational skills, and leadership potential by dealing with in-basket filled with mail, memos, announcements, and various other notices and directives. A time limit is given and one will be observed as his ability to manage the files.
Leaderless group technique is a group exercise in which the participants’ task is to work together in the solution of some problem or the achievement of some goal.
What are the different RtI levels?
Level 1 - students are being taught whatever the teacher is teaching in the classroom.
Level 2: A small group of learners who have failed to make adequate progress in the classroom have been segregated for special teaching.
Level 3: Individually tailored and administered instruction for students who have failed to respond to the second level of intervention
Give an example of hard and soft sign under neuropsychological evaluation?
Hard - cranial nerve damage, or lesions as shown in neuroimaging
Soft - inability to accurately copy a stimulus figure
Explain briefly the steps in test development
Conceptualization, construction / item pooling, test tryout, item analysis, revision
Describe the processes of screening, selection, classification and placement in Industrial setting.
Screening - relatively superficial process of evaluation based on certain minimal standards, or requirements to perform the job.
Selection: each person evaluated for a position will be either accepted or rejected for that position.
Classification: Categorization or "pigeon–holing" with respect to two or more criteria such as employment (i.e. plantilla positions, contractual jobs ).
Placement: Disposition, transfer, or assignment to a group or category made on the basis of one criterion
Discuss the objectives for psychological assessment in educational setting.
To identify specific learning disability
To determine readiness of students for academic tasks
To check cognitive functions of students towards success in classroom environment
Explain the use of neurodevelopmental milestones in neuropsychological assessment.
12 months - Walks with only one hand held. Says “mamma” and “dada” and perhaps two other words.
24 months - Runs well, no falling. Can build a tower of six or seven blocks.
36 months - Can copy a circle and imitate a cross with a crayon or pencil. Comprehends and answers questions.