Anxiety & OCD Disorders
Dissociative & Psychotic Disorders
PTSD and Mood Disorders
Personality Disorders
Childhood Disorders

What is the most common type of anxiety disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


What distinguishes dissociative amnesia from regular forgetting and why does it occur?

Dissociative amnesia is the inability to recall personal information following a traumatic event. This typically involves the individual forgetting information that they would not normally forget. This occurs as a result of the dissociation that the individual experiences throughout and following a traumatic event.


What are the two defining symptoms of major depressive disorder?

Depressed mood and loss of interest and pleasure in usual activities.


What term is frequently used in media to describe those with antisocial personality disorder?

Sociopathy and psychopathy

Does the diagnosis of ADHD involve attention deficits or hyperactivity or does it need to be attention deficits and hyperactivity?

An individual only needs to meet the criteria for either the inattentive type or the hyperactive type although many people with ADHD have a mix of the two.


What are intrusive thoughts in the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

Unwanted and distressing thoughts that lead to the urge to perform compulsive behaviors to reduce anxiety.


Differentiate between depersonalization and derealization in the context of Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder

Depersonalization involves feeling detached from oneself, while derealization involves a sense of detachment and unreality from the external world.


What is peripartum onset depression and what contributes to its onset?

It occurs during pregnancy or within the first four weeks after childbirth and is influenced by hormonal fluctuations during and after pregnancy.


What are the key diagnostic features of borderline personality disorder?

Key features include instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, mood, and issues with impulsivity.


What are the three main diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder?

Deficits in social interaction, deficits in communication, and repetitive patterns of behavior or interest.


Identify at least two ways that can lead to the acquisition of a phobia.

Classical conditioning, modeling, verbal transmission


What are the two key criteria for dissociative identity disorder?

Two or more distinctive personality states as well as experiencing amnesia.


Is complex PTSD a recognized disorder in the United States? Why or why not?

No, it is not. Complex PTSD is only recognized in the ICD, not the DSM5. It is all lumped together under the PTSD diagnosis.


What are the risk factors for antisocial personality disorder?

Factors such as genetic predisposition, exposure to childhood trauma, gender, and socioeconomic status can all elevate one's chances of developing antisocial personality disorder.


What are three potential negative long-term outcomes that individuals with ADHD are more at risk of?

- Worse educational attainment

- Lower socioeconomic status

- Held less prestigious occupational positions

- Were more likely to be unemployed

- Made considerably less in salary

- Scored worse on a measure of occupational functioning

- Were more likely to be divorced

- Were more likely to have substance abuse problems


What is the cause of panic attacks in someone who struggles with panic disorder and what is it most comorbid with?

There isn't any- They are unexpected. Panic disorder is heavily comorbid with agoraphobia. 


What component of bipolar disorder makes it so difficult to treat?

The mania.


How long does someone need to be experiencing depressive symptoms in order to qualify for a diagnosis of persistent depressive disorder?

Two years for adults, one year for kids.


Which type of disorders fall into each personality cluster?

Cluster A - Odd or unusual thoughts and behaviors

Cluster B - Dramatic and impulsive feelings and behaviors

Cluster C - Anxious and fearful thoughts and behaviors


Why is the term Asperger's syndrome no longer used as a sub-type of autism?

Research failed to demonstrate a significant difference between those diagnosed with ASD and Asperger's syndrome, showing that there is no clear way to differentiate them. 


What are some behaviors that someone with body dysmorphic disorder may perform in an attempt to reduce their anxieties? 

Repetitive behaviors such as mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking, reassurance seeking, and comparing their appearance to others.


What is the prodromal phase? What does it consist of and what disorder is it connected to?

The prodromal phase refers to the period before the full onset of schizophrenia, characterized by unusual thought content, paranoia, odd communication, delusions, problems with schoolwork, and a decline in social functioning.


Aside from experiencing a traumatic event, what are three other components of the PTSD criteria?

Intrusion symptoms/flashbacks, avoidance, negative cognition and mood, and hyperarousal


Name and define two personality disorders other than antisocial, borderline, or narcissism.

Paranoid personality disorder 

Schizoid personality disorder

Schizotypal personality disorder

Histrionic personality disorder

Avoidant personality disorder

Dependent personality disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder


What led to people mistakenly associating autism with vaccines? Where did this misinformation originate from?

In the late 1990s, a prestigious medical journal published an article showing that autism is triggered by the MMR vaccine. This research was debunked years later and the article was retracted as the researchers faced accusations of fraud.
