Important People
School of Psychology
Research Methods
Science and Stuff
He aimed to discover the mind's structure by using introspection
Who is Edward Bradford Titchener
For school of psychology: What school of psychology focused on on;y the observable behavior of people?
What is Behaviorism
Name 3 steps of the Scientific method
What is Theory Hypothesis Operational Definition Replication Research and Observations
What is a stronger correlation: -.9 or +.5?
What is -.9
how many hemispheres of the brain do we have? name them and their functions.
What is two. right hemisphere, left hemisphere. Left hemisphere is good at making quick, exact interpretations of language Right hemisphere excels in making inferences, modulating speech, and facilitating self-awareness
She was the first woman to be president of the American Psychological Association
Who is Mary Whiton Calkins
Name 2 of the 3 main levels of analysis or influences for behavior and mental processes.
What is 1. Biological Influences 2. psychological influences 3. social- cultural influences
What is the difference between a single and double blind experiment?
What is In a single blind experiment the experimenter knows who gets the placebo whereas in a double blind neither the experimenter nor participant know.
1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 22. Provide Mode.
What is 3
What is a word that described the level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse?
What is Threshold
He opposed the structuralist focus on introspection. Instead, he focused on the wholeness of an event, taking into the impact of the environment on behavior.
Who is William James
contemporary Psychology focused on evolutionary psychology and behavioral genetics. in other words...
What is nature Vs. Nurture.
what is the difference between positive and negative correlation? draw a scatterplot of both! -.97? What type of correlation is this? (i.e. strong/weak, negative/positive)
What is Positive Correlation (between 0 and+1.00) indicates a direct relationship, meaning that two things increase together or decrease together. Negative Correlation (Between 0 and -1.00) indicates an inverse relationship: as one thing increases the other decreases. Strong Negative Correlation
Find the mean and the median of these scores 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 22
What is Mean= 5 Median= 3
For nervous system: What is the purpose of a neurotransmitter?
What is Chemicals that allow transmission of signals from one neuron to the next across the synapse.
He argued that natural selection shapes behaviors as well as bodies.
Who is Charles Darwin
What is the school of thought that would most likely agree with the following phrase: "The mind is many parts in a whole."
What is Structuralism
Name 2 of the three variables in an experiment and what are they?
What is independent variable: factors that is manipulated; the variable whose effect is being studied. confounding variable: factors other than the independent variable that might produce an effect. dependent variable: factors that is measured, the variable that may change when the independent variable is manipulated.
define range and find the range of these numbers 5, 2, 6, 9, 10, 3, 4, 4, 3, 5
What is Range: Difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution Answer: 8
For endocrine system: What is the function of the pituitary gland?
What is Master gland, its hormones control other parts of the endocrine system.
He established the first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig, Germany.
Who is Wilhelm Wundt
was led by these 2 people and focused on ways current environments nurture or limit growth potential and importance of having need for love and acceptance satisfied.
What is Humanistic Psychology Led by Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow
In comparing research methods, name all three of the research methods and explain them.
What is Descriptive- to observe and record behavior correlational- to detect naturally occurring relationships; to assess how well one variable predicts another. experimental- to explore cause and effect by manipulating one or more factors using random assignment.
Define and draw a normal curve.
What is Symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that describes the distribution of many types of data
Concerning The Brainstem, define Brainstem, Medulla, and pons
Brainstem: Is oldest and innermost brain region Medulla: Is located at base of the brainstem; controls heartbeat and breathing Pons: Sits above medulla and helps coordinate movement