The collective behaviors and process of individuals taking part in decision-making in the institutions, programs, and environments that effect them
What is Citizen Participation?
The process of naming, exploring, questioning, challenging, reflecting upon, comparing, contrasting and analyzing experience, social constructions and societal myths that maintain oppression and that are typically accepted without question
What is Problematization?
What is power?
A graphic representation of a program’s needs, goals, components, activities, and outcomes
Logic Model
What does Zimmerman's cognitive component of psychological empowerment connect to? Which of Freire's main points?
Connects to Critical Consciousness!
The belief that that collective action and participation will be effective in improving community life and lead to constructive changes
What is Collective Efficacy?
What are Some Problematization Strategies?
What are the 3 power dynamics mentioned in lecture?
1. Power over, power to, power from (RIGER)
2. Integrative Power, Power with
3. Power of truth, Power of (Ghandi)
is a person or group that has an investment in the outcome of the program
Who added to Zimmerman's concept of empowerment and what did they add?
Brian Christens and the Relational component to empowerment
What are the strategies for strengthening social capital?
1. Create new networks
2. Join existing networks
3. enhance existing networks
4. build capacity to connect (interpersonal skills)
5. Maximize exchange of Capital (resources)
A “radically-inclusive politics” and empowering process that centers spirituality in social change processes and posits a relational, holistic worldview is necessary for transformation of self and world (ANZALDUA)
What is Spiritual Activism?
is a process by which people become conscious of their condition and their capabilities, and utilize their collective power to participate in the transformation of their condition
What is Empowerment?
Core Components vs Adaptive Components
What are types of Evidence for evidence-based programs?
Program Efficacy
Program Effectiveness
Qualitative program evaluation
systematic reviews and meta-analysis
How do you develop community through social capital? (4)
Asset Based community development
Political participation
volunteer service
community organizing
What are Montero's 3 processes involved in problematization?
Domestication:the passive repetition, acceptance, and submission to ways of living despite being associated limitations and misery
Deideologization: the process of rejecting the socially constructed ideas that have been imposed, accepted and internalized by the oppressed that maintain oppressive structures as natural and “the way the world is"
Dealienation: the process of establishing connections between consciousness and experience so that one becomes less alienated from themselves and more aware of their conditions
What are the 3 components of psychological empowerment?
Emotional: Beliefs about one’s competence, efficacy and perceived control over one’s environment
Cognitive: Critical understandings of societal injustices and power dynamics
Behavioral: Participation in collective life, in the life of the community
Examining and statistically analyzing the combined results of many research studies in order to get the “big picture” of program effectiveness
What is Meta-Analysis?
What are the APA Multicultural Guidelines?
What are Checkoway's Six strategies of community change?
Mass Mobilization
Social Action
Citizen Participation Public Advocacy
Local Services Development
Popular Education
Individual participation -->
Organizational Development -->
Community Change
(all are necessary for macro systemic change and social transformation)
What are the three conceptions of power in community psychology?
1. Social power
2. Psychopolitical power
3. Relational Power
What are the 5 steps to the Comprehensive Program Evaluation Process?