Quiz 2.1
Quiz 2.2
Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Define Ethnocentrism
What is using our groups ways of doing things as a yardstick to judge.
Define folkway and give an example
What is norms that are not strictly enforced. Ex: walk on right side of stairs
raising one's thumb in the air to indicate everything is A-OK is an example of a ...
What is gesture
because Americans are often blinded by the value of... they tend to ignore the social circumstances that block individuals' opportunities to succeed.
What is individualism
When Jane visited Morocco, she found it difficult to buy bus tickets as everyone pushed ahead of her. When she went home to the United States, she told her friends that the Moroccans were the rudest people she has ever encountered. her judgment of the Moroccans' behavior is an example of
What is ethnocentrism
give an example of material culture
What is weapons, machines, food, tools, utensils, fashion
Define More and give an example
What is norms that are strictly enforced ex: don't kill, steal, rape
Most American high schools routinely schedule ceremonies to recognize the most talented student athletes and scholars. Such activities illustrate the importance that Americans place on...
What is achievement
A society which is made of of many different religions, racial, and ethnic groups would be best described as...
What is pluralistic
symbols that can be strung together in an infinite number of ways for the purpose of communicating abstract thought is referred to as
What is language
Name two types of culture
What is material and nonmaterial
Define taboo and give an example
What is Norms so strong that if violated brings revulsion. Ex: incest, cannibalism
Harold is an executive of the Harley Davidson company. He is a member of the Free Wheelers, a motorcycle group. On weekends, the Free Wheelers go camping and fishing. Harold would be considered a member of
What is subculture
Ralph is attending classes at the university. He believes in the idea of success, but he doesn't spend as much time as he could studying to achieve A's in all his classes. His behavior is an example of...
What is real culture
In today's society, the clash in values regarding changes in gender roles or alternative family forms are termed... because the clashes are so severe
What is culture wars
Give an example of nonmaterial culture
What is traditions, values, beliefs
Define subculture and give an example
What is a smaller world within larger society. Distinct behaviors/values Ex: Ethnic group, teenagers
to understand the Spanish practice of bullfighting; it is necessary to use the perspective of
What is cultural relativism
When a group has a distinctive way of looking at life, but at the same time their values and norms reflect the dominant culture of their society, the group would be considered...
What is subculture
Sociologists use the concept "norms" to describe
What is the expectations, or rules of behavior that develop out of values
Define cultural Relativism
What is trying to understand a culture on its own terms
Define a counter culture and give an example
What is a group in society whose values oppose dominant society Ex:Hell's Angels, Amish
In a four square block section of Manhattan, it is possible to purchase a bagel with cream cheese, eat stir fried vegetables prepared in a wok or dine on raw fish in a sushi bar. This range of culinary possibilities illustrates the process of
What is cultural diffusion
the term,... coined by sociologist William Ogburn to describe a situation in which nonmaterial culture changes slower than material culture
What is cultural lag
Sociologists use the term... to indicate the standards by which people define their ideas about what is desirable in life.
What is values