Taking in and assessing information about other people
Social cognition
Scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others
Social psychology
I informed consent, confidentiality, debriefing, and deception
APA guidelines
Observe, hypothesize, test, conclude, and evaluate
Scientific method
Psychologists are scientists who study human mental processes
Cognitive Psychologist
Beliefs about people, places, and ideas
Individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their behavior, especially if attitudes are unclear
Self-perception theory
Studies the process of sensing, perceiving, learning, and thinking about the world
Experimental psychology
Psychologists are scientists of changes through the lifespan, human growth
Developmental Psychologist
Focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems
Counseling Psychology
Thoughts of one's attitude versus behavior (changing behavior to match attitude and visa versa.)
Cognitive dissonance theory
We behave in social ways toward the people around us (altruism and aggression)
Social Behavior
Impaired decision-making and avoidance of realistic appraisal
Focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and traits that differentiate one person from another
Personality Psychology
Explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease
Healthy Psychology
Erosion of personal identity and responsibility
First impressions, physical attractiveness
Person Perception
Treated equally, except no manipulation
Control group
He put emphasis on unconsciousness and explored childhood conflicts as well as the humanistic approach
Sigmund Freud
Deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders
Clinical Psychology
Self-fulfilling prophecies; effects show the potential power of expectations on human behavior
Individuals are less likely to help in an emergency when others are present; diffusion of responsibility
The hypothesized cause is manipulated; independent variable
Experimental Group
"The whole is different than the sum of its parts"
Gestalt Psychology
______ are one of the few research designs that allow you to directly test why something happens, to test for cause and effect