The study of behavior and mental processes
form of learning; when an association is formed between two stimuli resulting in an involuntary learned response (ex- Pavlov’s dogs)
classical conditioning
Going along with the group; “fitting in”; subject of Asch’s ‘lines’ experiment!
psychotic mental disorder; symptoms include loss of touch with reality - including hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia
Despite having seen pennies many times, people often have difficulty recognizing which is the real penny due to the failure of which memory process?
To avoid false conclusions, psychologists use this process of making observations, forming hypotheses, and experimentation
scientific method
In Operant Conditioning, behaviors are influenced by what two major external forces?
reinforcement and punishment
a personality trait; tendency to be more sociable with large groups; need to be around people to get energy; need a lot of outside stimulation
reference book on mental health and brain-related conditions
Type of memories that includes practiced skills and learned habits; Brenda Milner’s ‘HM’ could make new ones
Procedural memories (aka implicit)
Of nature or nurture, the one that involves the influence of environment and life experiences on human development
when a conditioned response to a stimulus extends to similar objects or situations
The Stanley Milgram obedience study suggests that many people will harm others when urged to by an authority figure who claims to take all of “this” for any harm done
Three letter acronym for periods of high brain activity and dreaming during sleep; also a great band from Georgia!
stage of memory that handles both new information from the environment and information brought into consciousness from long-term memory; mental “chalkboard”
working memory (aka short-term)
Which is not a goal of the science of psychology with respect to behavior?
describe, explain, predict, influence, reinforce
Type of motivation; behavior is personally satisfying or enjoyable; internal!
intrinsic motivation
according to humanistic perspective this part of our personality is made up of self-image (who we think we are) and ideal self (who we would like to be); if these are similar a state of congruence exists
Of optimism or grit & resilience, which is more action than belief?
grit & resilience
Isolated child “Genie’s” failure to develop understanding of language syntax (grammar) and semantics (meaning) past puberty suggests that language development has this biologically rooted “window of opportunity” to be learned
critical period
True or false? Chemicals called neurotransmitters pass through gaps in neurons called synapses, allowing communication between neurons.
Term for how learned behaviors weaken and even disappear over time when anticipated association or reinforcement is absent
the process of realizing your full potential and becoming everything you are capable of being; the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
false beliefs that a person is powerful, wealthy, famous, or has a high status; John Nash experienced these
Delusions of Grandeur
Despite having seen pennies many times, people often have difficulty recognizing which is the real penny due to the failure of which memory process?