holds the information briefly
what is short term memory?
memory of general knowledge; vocabulary and facts
what is semantic memory?
Process of finding a solution to an obstacle or challenge; allows us to “arrive at a desired state”
what is problem solving?
Acquired knowledge
what is Crystallized Intelligence?
a long-lasting, generalized affective state without a direct trigger or target
what is mood?
memory used for smell
what is olfactory memory?
Allows us to declutter our brains and get rid of useless information.
what is forgetting?
methodical, step-by-step process; ensures a correct solution.
what is an algorithm?
Developed first intelligence test
Who is Alfed Binet?
Maslows 5 hierachy of needs from the bottom up
what is physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, and self-actualization?
Allows us to briefly hold information in our minds.
what is short term memory?
The order in which information is learned impacts an individual’s ability to remember it.
what is Serial Position Effect ?
rule-of-thumb process; does not ensure a correct solution.
what is heuristics?
Ability to acquire knowledge, problem-solve, and carry out mental operations.
what is intelligence?
psychology focused on the potential for positive growth and achievement in an individual
what is humanistics?
Holding information in STM while also manipulating/processing it.
Very vivid memory of a significant moment in time.
what are flash bulb memories?
letter-sounds; words are formed by combining phonemes
what are Phonemes?
Applying previous knowledge to novel (new) tasks.
what is fluid reasoning?
the 4 types of defense mechanisms
what is reaction formation, projection, repression, and displacement?
process of pulling information out of long-term memory into your conscious mind so it can be used.
what is retrieval?
incorporating newly presented information into memories of a past event.
what is the misinformation effect?
relationship between a word/sentence and its meaning.
what are semantics?
indicates how different a particular person’s functioning is compared to what is typical for their age.
what is an IQ score?
a personality assessment that uses direct questions and a standardized scoring system
what is objective test?