Types of triangulation in case studies
Evaluation Terms
Evaluation Terms Part Deux
Brain Structure
Theory of Localization

When more than one source of data is used. For example, a case study of schools that looked at stress in the IB program in five different schools. 

What is data triangulation?


This is the concept that in a correlational study, since no independent variable is manipulated, it is impossible to know if x causes y, y causes x, if they interact to cause behaviour, or whether it is just coincidental and no relationship truly exists.

What is bidirectional ambiguity?


refers to situations where the sample does not reflect the characteristics of the target population

What is sampling bias?


The layer of neurons with a folded surface covering the brain on the outside. It is the largest part of the human brain associated with higher-order functions such as abstract thought or voluntary action.

What is the cortex?


This is the loss of articulated speech, diagnosed through work with the patient known as "Tan" also known as Louis Leborgne. 

What is Broca's area?


When more than one research method is used. If we get consistent findings, that means that the choice of research method was not the reason for our findings.

What is method triangulation?


researchers repeatedly examine the same individuals to detect any changes that might occur over a period of time

What is longitudinal?


refers to the degree to which inferences can legitimately be made from the operationalizations in your study to the theoretical constructs on which those operationalizations were based

What is construct validity?


Associated with reasoning, planning, thinking and decision-making, voluntary action, complex emotions, and so on

What are the frontal lobes?


People with this have a general impairment of language comprehension while at the same time speech production is intact.

What is Wernicke's aphasia? (Carl Wernicke)


When more than one researcher studies a case. Researchers are able to compare their observations and interpretations in order to increase reliability and credibility.

What is researcher triangulation?


starts with the present and follows participants forward in time to examine trends, predictions, and outcomes

What is prospective research?


collecting data from more than one source

What is triangulation?


Associated with movement, orientation, perception and recognition

What is the parietal lobe?


Localization is not this. Functional areas move about.

What is not static?


When we look at a case from more than one theoretical perspective - e.g. biological, cognitive and/or sociocultural.

What is theory triangulation?


a measure of how test performance predicts behaviors in real-world settings

What is ecological validity?


(happens when the researcher skews the entire process towards a specific research outcome by introducing a systematic error into the sample data

What is research bias?


Associated with visual processing

What is the occipital lobe?


People with damage to a functional brain may learn to "re-specialize" other brain areas to perform this function.

What is localization?


This is an example of this type of triangulation:

  • Psychometric testing: IQ testing was given to HM.  His results were slightly above average with an IQ of 104 before the operation and a slightly improved IQ of 112 after the operation due to the reduction in seizures. 
  • Direct observation of his behaviour;
  • Interviews with both HM and with family members.
  • Cognitive testing: memory recall tests as well as learning tasks - such as reverse mirror drawing.
  • Corkin (1997) later did an MRI to determine the extent of the damage done to HM's brain.

What is method triangulation? 


the extent to which a study establishes a trustworthy cause-and-effect relationship between a treatment and an outcome

What is internal validity? 


Has the research been replicated? If so, were there similar or different results?

What is test-rest reliability?


Associated with processing auditory information, memory, and speech

What are the temporal lobes?


The division of functions between the two hemispheres the cortex. Is a special case of localization.

What is lateralization?
