Processes all senses (touch, pressure, pain, temperature) except smell, vision, and hearing
Parietal Lobe
in classical conditioning, what is a neutral stimulus that comes to choose a particular conditioned response after being paired with a particular unconditioned stimulus that already elicits that response?
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Includes the various psychological and physiological factors that cause us to act a certain way.
Responsible for involuntary reflex response
in classical conditioning, what is the learned response given to a particular conditioned stimulus?
Conditioned Response (CR)
Refers to engaging in activities to reduce biological needs or obtain incentives or external rewards.
Extrinsic Motivation
It interprets sense of hearing and smell
Temporal Lobe
A form of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to choose a response after being associated with a stimulus that already elicits that response
Classical Conditioning
Refers to engaging in activities that are personally rewarding or because engaging in them fulfills our beliefs or expectations.
Intrinsic Motivation
The lobe of the brain that handles vision
Occipital Lobe
in classical conditioning, what is giving a conditioned response to stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus?
Stimulus Generalization
Is an internal condition that changes over time and orients an individual toward a goal.
It processes logic and reasoning, planning, taking responsibility
Frontal Lobe
In classical conditioning, what is a stimulus that automatically chooses a particular unconditoned response?
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Natural or inherited tendencies to make a specific response to certain environmental stimuli without involving reason.