Psychology Fields
Psych History
Psych Theories
Research in Psychology
Guess Who?

Which field of psychology focuses on diagnosing and treating mental illness, emotional disturbances, and abnormal behavior?

what is Clinical Psychology 


What is the study of Psychology? 

Hint: The study of mental ____ and p______ and b____ in humans and animals. 

What is the study of mental states and processes and behavior in humans and animals? 


The motivational theory that outlines a pyramid of human need, beginning with basic physiological needs and culminating in self-actualization? 

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


Researchers manipulate this variable. 

What is the Independent Variable?


I am known for my experiments with dogs, through which I discovered classical conditioning. My research showed that a neutral stimulus, when paired with a meaningful one, can evoke a learned response.

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


What field of psychology studies the changes in human behavior, thought, and emotion across the lifespan, from infancy to old age?

What is developmental psychology?


Who was the professor, philosopher, and psychologist that created and is the Founder of Psychology? 

A. B.F. Skinner

B. Jean Piaget

C. Wilhelm Wundt 

D. Alfred Binet

Who is Wilhelm Wundt? 


The theory that suggests that people experience discomfort when holding two conflicting beliefs leading them to change one of the beliefs to reduce the discomfort? 

A. Social Learning Theory

B. Cognitive Dissonance

C. Operant Conditioning

D. Hierarchy of Needs

What is Cognitive Dissonance Theory? 


The researcher measures this variable.

What is Dependent Variable?


I am known for the "Little Albert" experiment, where I demonstrated that emotional responses, such as fear, can be conditioned in humans. I am considered one of the founders of behaviorism.

Who is John B. Watson?


Which field of psychology applies psychological principles to the workplace, focusing on issues such as productivity, employee behavior, and organizational development?

What is industrial-organizational psychology?


One of the first philosophical, turned psychological, issues concerning the relationship and interaction of the mental state and physical state, questioning consciousness and physical processes. 

A. Dualism 

B. The Mind-Body Problem

C. Materialism 

D. Monism

What is the Mind-Body Problem?


A type of learning in which behavior is strengthen if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed if followed by punishment.

A. Responsive Conditioning 

B. Classical Conditioning

C. Operant Conditioning 

D. Negative Punishment

What is Operant Conditioning?


The researcher studies the impact of variable on this group. 

Example: If an experimenter were conducting research on the effects of music on test scores, the classroom that receives the different types of music would be this type of group. 

What is the Experimental Group? 


I am a Swiss psychiatrist who introduced the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes, contributing significantly to the field of analytical psychology.

Who is Carl Jung?


Which field of psychology involves applying psychological knowledge to legal issues, such as expert testimony, criminal profiling, and the assessment of defendants' mental states?

What is forensic psychology?


What year did President Harry Truman sign and pass the National Mental Health Act, providing funding for psychiatric education and research? 

A. 1946

B. 1943

C. 1938

D. 1952

What is 1946?


The theory of memory that distinguishes between "episodic memory" and "semantic memory," focusing on personal experiences versus general world knowledge.

A. Theory of Episodic and Semantic Memory 

B. Multi-Store Model of Memory 

C. Levels of Processing Theory 

D. Working Memory Model

What is the Theory of Episodic and Semantic Memory? 


The procedure used when neither participants nor researchers directly working with the participants know which group is receiving which treatment. 

What is Double-Blind? 


I developed a theory of cognitive development in children, outlining stages such as the sensorimotor and formal operational stages. My work has had a profound impact on education and developmental psychology.

Who is Jean Piaget?


What field of psychology focuses on how psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors contribute to physical health and illness, often working to promote healthier behaviors?

What is health psychology?


What was the first drug that was found to treat depression (lessened the symptoms) and was later approved to be used in the US under the name Tofranil?

A. Fluoxetine

B. Sertraline

C. Escitalopram

D. Imipramine

What is Imipramine? 


In Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche, what are the three components that make up the human personality?

What are the id, ego, and superego? 


In research methodology, which approach is characterized by the collection of non-numerical data, such as interviews or observations, to explore concepts and understand underlying reasons, often contrasting with hypothesis-driven statistical analysis?

What is Qualitative Research?


I proposed the theory of "multiple intelligences," suggesting that intelligence is not a single general ability but instead consists of various independent intelligences, such as linguistic, spatial, and musical intelligence.

Who is Howard Gardner?
