When a pregnant woman uses this substance, there is a chance her baby will be born with a lifelong disability called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
What is alcohol.
The scientific name for alcohol such as wine, beer, Vodka and Rye.
What is ethyl alcohol, or ethanal?
FASD stands for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disease.
What is False? Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
The human brain develops until this age.
What is 24 or 25 years of age?
These are examples of harms associated with alcohol use.
What are poor grades, Fighting, STI's, problems with law, alcohol poisoning, car accidents, suicide, death?
This organ allows an unborn baby to receive nutrients from his or her mother. Alcohol can also travel through this organ to the body.
What are the placenta and the umbilical cord.
The part of the body alcohol affects.
What is the brain?
In Saskatchewan, young drivers in their first year of driving can have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) less than 0.04 without any legal consequences.
What is false? there is zero tolerance for any blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for younger drivers?
This type of drinking is associated with an increased risk of harm.
What is binge drinking or drinking to intoxication?
The actions that a pregnant woman's friends, family, and partner can take to help support her in having an alcohol-free pregnancy.
What are choose not to drink, provide non-alcoholic beverages at party events.
Within 20 minutes of consuming a drink, this can rise significantly in a person.
What is Blood Alcohol Concentration?
Binge drinking is defined as drinking more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion for males, and more than 3 standard drinks on one occasion for females,
What is true?
The number of drinks that the Canada's low-risk drinking guidelines recommend men and women never exceed, per day, until age 24,
What are 2 drinks per day for women and 3 drinks per day for men?
Alcohol and alcohol abuse are major risk factors for these leading causes of premature death in Canada.
What are suicide and traffic-related deaths?
what percentage of pregnancies in Canada are unplanned.
What is 50 percent?
The body parts or systems responsible for absorbing; transporting, and breaking down alcohol.
What are stomach and liver for absorption; blood (bloodstream or circulatory system) for transporting; and the liver for breaking down?
Alcohol affects women differently than men.
What is true? on average woman weigh less than men
This province has the highest rate of pregnancy for 15 to 19 year old in Canada.
What is Saskatchewan?
The risk of alcohol-related harms can be reduced by doing these 5 things.
What are drinking alcohol with food
drinking no more than one standard drink per hour
Alternate drinks with non-alcoholic drinks
planning a safe ride home
and drinking no more than 2 drinks for women and 3 drinks for men?
The reason a woman may drink alcohol while she is pregnant.
What are may have been alcohol before she know she was pregnant. May be dealing with addictions. May believe that small amounts of alcohol will not hurt the baby or certain types of alcohol are safe.
The type of alcohol that is found in hairspray, anti-freeze, and other similar products.
What is ethanol?
Saskatchewan has the second highest binge drinking rate in Canada.
What is true?
Young people should be provided with information so that they can make these.
What are informed decisions?
These are health related harms caused by alcohol.
What are cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, mental health problems?