Assessing information and choosing among two or more alternatives
What is Decision Making?
When people make judgments based on prior beliefs and general knowledge instead of the rules of logic
What is the Belief-bias Effect?
Children learn a general rule for past-tense verbs, b ut also store in memory past tenses of irregular verbs
What is Rule-and-Memory Theory?
Researcher that discovered that the baby's heart rate changed more in response to mother vs. stranger's voice
Who is Kisilevsky and others?
Judging that a sample is likely if it is similar to the population from which it is sampled
What is Representative Heuristics?
Concluding that a statement is true/valid
What is Affirm?
Reasoning that begins with some specific premises, which are assumed to be true. Then you judge whether those premises allow a particular conclusion to be drawn based on the rules of logic
What is Deductive Reasoning?
Intentional, goal oriented activities we use to improve our memories
What is Memory Strategies?
One of the researchers that found that children in parent-teaching condition did the best
Who is DeLoache?
When we falsely think a small sample will be as representative as a larger sample
What is Small Sample Fallacy?
Tendency to underestimate the amount of time and money necessary to complete a project.
What is the Planning Fallacy?
The tendency to confirm rather than disconfirm a hypothesis
What is Confirmation Bias?
The problem whereby young children seldom use memory strategies effectively
What is Utilization Deficiency?
One researcher that found children were overconfident in their incorrect answer choices
Who is Roebers?
Estimating the frequency or probability in terms of how easy it is to think of relevant examples of something
What is Availability Heuristic?
Concluding the statement is false/invalid
What is deny?
Proposition: If A, then B
Affirming Consequent: B, therefore A
What is Affirming the Consequent?
Process of trying to identify the origin of a particular memory
What is Source Monitoring?
Findings of the Foley's et al.(2010), experiment involving 4-year olds taking turns placing construction paper on a collage with another child
What is that children often claimed they had placed the paper on the collage when it was actually the other child?
The first approximation serving as an anchor, which we then adjust
What is Anchoring and Adjusting Heuristics?
When the outcome of your decision is influenced by the background context of the choice or the way the question is worded.
What is the Framing Effect?
"Knew it all along" effect
What is Hindsight Bias?
Technique used to study infant memory in which a mobile hangs above the infant's crib, a ribbon connects the infant's ankle and the mobile so that the infant's kicks will make the mobile move
What is the Conjugate Reinforcement Technique?
Infants can remember action even after a substantial delay
What is Conjugate Reinforcement Technique?
Recognizing one option, but not the other so you estimate higher frequency
What is Recognition Heuristic?