A generalization about a group
The study of mind and behaviors
The Science of Psychology
System is the body's electromechanical communication circuirty.
1) The process of recieving stimulus energies from the external environment
2) The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information
1) Sensation
2) Perception
Observe, hypothesize, test, conclusions, evaluate
Scientific method
Individuals are less likely to help in an emergency when others are present (Darley and Latane, 1968.)
The Bystander affect
1) Scientists of changes throughout the lifespan, human growth
2) Scientists who study human mental processes
1) Developmental Psychologist
2) Cognitive Psychologist
1) Clusters of fibers that recieve messages from other neurons
2) Carries messages recieved by the dentrites to other neurons
1) Dentrites
2) Axons
1)______ protects the eye and refracts light
2)______ opening depends on amount of light in environment
3)_____ colored part of eye
4)_____ accomidation
1) cornea
2) pupil
3) iris
4) lens
1) _____ deal with the brain and spinal cord
2) _____ deal with sensory nerves, motor nerves, and somatic NS
1) Central nervous system (CNS)
2) Peripheral nervous system (PNS)
Discomfort is caused by two dissonant thoughts; thoughts of one's attitude versus one's behavior
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
1) deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders
2) focuses on educational, social ,and career-adjustment problems
2) counseling psychology
_______ are the two nervous system pathways
Afferent and efferent
1) Sensitive to dim light, but not color, humans have 120 million rods
2) Respond to color, operate best under high illumination, humans have 6 million cones
1) Rods
2) Cones
Individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their behavior, especially if their attitudes are unclear. (Altruism and aggression.)
Self-perception Theory
1) focuses on the consistency in people's behavior over time and the traits that differentiate one person from another
2) explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease
1) Personality psychology
2) health psychology
1) Verbal processing, speech, grammar
2) spatial perception, visual recognition, emotion
1) Left hemisphere
2) Right hemisphere
Figure-ground relationship, closure, proximity, and similarity.
Gestalt Principles
Impaired decision-making and avoidance of realistic appraisal (over-confidence, closed-mindedness, pressure for uniformity.)
Study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others
Social Psychology
Sets of glands that regulate the body by secreting hormones into the bloodstream
Endocrine System
1) movemnt, posture, orientation, as well as muscle fibers and joints
2) balance and accleration, semiciruclar canals
1) Kinethetic
2) Vestibular