Basic Principles
Oppression and Power
Community Interventions

What is first order change?

incremental or superficial changes that occur within an existing framework or structure. These are changes that do not fundamentally alter the system's core values, goals, or structure but instead address immediate problems.


Define oppression

- Unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power 

especially by the imposition of burdens 

- The condition of being weighed down 

- An act of pressing down a sense of heaviness or 

obstruction in the body or mind


Programs that are designed to work effectively are called “______-based,” meaning that prior research has shown that these programs are successful in what they are intended to do.

"evidence" based

_______, or the unearned advantages that individuals have based on membership in a dominant group (e.g., race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, ability), contribute to the systems of oppression for non-privileged individuals and groups.



What time does class start on the syllabus?



What is second order change?

deep, transformational changes that alter the system's underlying structure, values, or operating principles. This type of change involves a fundamental shift in thinking, behavior, or the way the system operates. It is preventative in nature. 


Why does oppression still exist?

Power stays in the hands of those who already have it

→ the distribution of resources is unfairly allocated

→ individuals are systematically subjected to political, economic, cultural, or social degradation because  they belong  to a certain social group


What makes a grassroots community intervention unique?

they are driven by the community members themselves, focusing on local needs, strengths, and resources.


______ refers to one's social identity based on the culture of origin, ancestry, or affiliation with a cultural group. 



Problem solving/action, emotional expression/regulation, seeking understanding, seeking help, and ignoring a problem are all examples of ______ strategies.

"coping" strategies


What is one way that you can engage in civic engagement without being a professional in the field (obtaining a degree related to civic engagement). 

Internship/volunteer work (working with community organizations, mental health clinics, or non-profits focused on social issues)

Networking (Join professional organizations such as the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA) to connect with professionals in the field, attend workshops, and access resources.)

Advocacy and policy work (

  • Engage in advocacy or policy work to influence community mental health practices and programs, which is a key aspect of community psychology.


Identify one way to dismantle oppression from the community psychology perspective

Social Movements

    -LGBTQ+ movement, Indigenous Rights movement, 

- Anti-gentrification movement

Conscious raising efforts

    - Feminist Conscious Raising Groups

Using a systems approach as opposed to individual approach

    - Community Health Initiatives

- public policy


After implementing a community intervention, it is important to _________ it to see if it is effective or if it needs to be revised. 


Define ethnocentrism

Using one’s own culture as the normative standard to judge another culture.


What is the difference between an acute stressor and a chronic stressor?

observable stressful events that are time-limited such as an upcoming test or a family gathering.


persistent demands on you; they are typically open-ended, using up your resources in coping but not having any resolution.

Describe the principle of interdependence

everything is connected, so changing one aspect of a setting or environment will have many ripple effects


provide an example of an avoidance reaction

responses that prevent adverse outcomes from occurring. This happens before one truly internalizes the ideologies of the oppressor, which ultimately results in engaging in self-destructive behaviors before reaching the point of internalized racism. 

Essentially ignoring offensive words or actions in order to avoid conflict 


What are the three levels in which public policies can be implemented in the United States

local or community, state, national

Name 5 marginalized populations

Including but not limited to, 

  • Culture

  • Race

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Age

  • Social Class

  • Ability/disability

  • Religion/Spirituality


In the film "All that breaths", what animals were the brothers rescuing?

Birds of prey


How do community psychologists and governments influence laws and regulations on a large scale to create second order change

public policy 


_______is defined as the social, cultural, economic, and political freedom and emancipation to have agency, control, and power over one’s life. To live life freely and unaffected or harmed by conditions of oppression is to experience ________



Name 5 non profit organizations

We'll double check them on google


Identify one ethnicity of the professor

Filipino, Irish, Russian/Ashkenazi Jewish


What is the longest running television show in history?

The Simpsons (started in 1989 and continues to run)
