Information gained through the use of the 5 senses.
Subliminal threshold
When the stimuli are below the absolute threshold for conscious awareness.
Blind spot
When you look at one dot and ignore everything else
Those things become blind spots.
using reinforcements in operant conditioning to guide behavior to a goal (desired target behavior) through successive approximations (in increments)
Which countries make up the United Kingdom?
England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland
How we select, organize and interpret sensation.
Parallel Processing
Looking at several aspects of a stimuli at once.
Classical conditioning
creating a correlation between two stimuli
Mirror Neurons
Neurons reacting the similarly in reaction to seeing a reaction of someone else (they yawn, you yawn)
Which continent is known as the "Land Down Under"?
Sensory adaptation
the process by which our senses adjust to stimuli over time, becoming less sensitive to constant stimuli
Absolute threshold
The minimum stimulation for stimuli to be detected 50% of the time.
Operant conditioning
conditioning through reward and punishment.
describes how learned behaviors fade away when the reinforcement that previously maintained them is no longer present.
What are the bones in your spine called?
Photoreceptors. Cones are the photoreceptors that sense color, while rods sense light and dark.
Perceptual cosntancy
Perceiving objects as unchanging even though they change visual
Reinforcement (2) =
Positive - adding something good
Negative - taking away something good
Fixed and ration scheduling
Fixed: reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses (after a dog jumps three times it gets a treat)
Variable Ratio schedule: Reinforces response after an unpredictable number of responses.
What is an angle called if it’s greater than 90 degrees?
T/F there are more cones than rods.
False. There are more RODS than cones.
A relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience.
suppressing a certain behavior through positive and negative punishment which are:
Positive: adding something bad (time out)
negative: taking away something good. (taking away toy)
psychological theory that studies how humans and animals learn and behave through conditioning.
What is the largest organ in the human body?