When there is a word that says a color and the font is a different color than written. People are expected to say the color of the font. For example the word green that has a blue font.
Stroop Effect.
How stimulus is organized and interpreted
The neurological condition where neuro paths are close together and one sensation will trigger another. For example seeing color for sound or hearing sounds for shapes.
Who created the "Likelihood Principle" which says we are likely to perceive whatever is the most likely interpretation?
Herman Helmholz
Illusions that use light, color and patterns to create images that trick the brain.
Optical Illusions
Sense that allows us to perceive food.
Sensations gathered by the what is processed by the brain
How you receive stimulus from the environment
Principle that says the look and smell of food influences its taste.
Sensory interaction.
When two colors look like they are widely because of their lighting, but are actually the same shade what is happening?
Color Constancy
Sense that allows us to perceive our surroundings using the eye.
What allows us to judge distances?
Depth Perception
How do we see color?
Cones/rods in eye
The inability to truly explain how you perceive sensations is called?
The explanatory gap
Illusion where a room has uneven floors and ceilings to mess with your depth perception.
Sense that allows us to perceive vibrations in the air.
What is perceived to be longer when you mind focuses on it more?
Sound waves that are closer together makes what?
Higher frequency
What is a monocular clue (perception that only takes one eye) that says that one object is closer because it is partially covering another object?
An illusion where you look at a spiraling image for about a minute then look at a stagnant image and that image is perceived as warping. Usually the second image is a waterfall.
Waterfall Illusion
The hearing sense weakens with what?
Taking away the perception of sight can influence what function? Example: Closing eyes when on one foot.
What type of taste is seen to our brain as an energy source?
What is the effect when there is a conflict between what is seen and what is perceived. Which can result in a completely different perception than what is there.
Mcgurk effect