How many stages of the sleep cycle are there?
Four stages of sleep with REM sleep forming a fifth part.
Human body rhythms that have a daily (24-hour) cycle, such as the sleep-wake cycle (body clock)
Circadian rhythms
Name two symptoms of insomnia.
- difficulty with falling asleep
- waking up a lot during the night
- frequently lying awake during the night
- not feeling refreshed on waking
- finding it hard to fall asleep in the day when tired
- feeling irritable and unable to concentrate
What was the aim of Siffre (1975) Study?
To see how people would get on when travelling through space
According to Freud, the unconscious mind accounts for about 90% of our thinking and holds all thoughts and wishes not in the conscious or preconscious.
What is REM sleep?
Part of the sleep cycle with rapid eye movements caused by eyes moving a lot behind the eyelids when dreaming occurs.
What is ultradian rhythms?
Rhythms that occur in a period of less than 24 hours, such as a sleep cycle.
Identify one explanation of insomnia
Insomnia can be caused by lifestyle, including issues with environment, health conditions and what is taken into the body. (ie., jet lag, working shifts, mental and physical health)
How many gallons of water did Siffre have with him?
What is ID according to Freud?
Part of Freud's personality theory that is demanding is thought of as 'I want...'
In REM sleep all incoming sensory information is stopped. What is this called?
Sensory blockade
A hormone released by the pineal gland that increases in late evening and throughout the night to bring about sleep, and reducing before waking.
Name two symptoms narcolepsy.
- excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
- hallucinations
- cataplexy
- sleep paralysis and abnormal REM sleep
How long was Siffre in the cave?
Just over 6 months
What is Dreamwork?
The transformation of unconscious thoughts into dream content.
How many hours of sleep do adults and teenagers need?
Adults 7 or 8 hours
Teenagers 9 hours
What are zeitgebers?
External cues that synchronise our biological rhythms.
Identify one explanation of narcolepsy.
- brain chemicals (hypocretin keeps us awake and regulates sleep-wake cycle)
- genes (variations in chromosome 6, HLA complex)
- stress or trauma
- evolution (survival value - stay alive - muscle paralysis)
Name one strength of the Siffre cave study.
- amount of detail produced both quantitative and qualitative
- study done over a long period of time
Name three parts of Dreamwork.
Condensation, Displacement, Secondary elaboration
What is sleep deprivation?
Not having enough sleep; this can affect physical functioning such as weight and brain functioning.
Name one weakness of internal influences on sleep explanation.
- much of evidence is from animal studies and there can be problems generalising this to humans.
- evidence relating to human blindness is weak, individual differences in 'being blind' make it difficult to draw conclusions leading to universal explanations.
What is cataplexy?
A loss of muscle power and tone due to onset of strong emotions such as laughter.
Name one weakness of the Siffre cave study.
Strong lights would affect his internal body clock, acting as cues (Czeisler et al. 1999).
Case study is unique and it is hard to generalise findings.
Identify one strength of Freud's theory of dreaming.
- data was qualitative, detailed and focused on real individuals (validity in findings).
- some evidence to support Freud's theory that dreams 'guard' sleep.