Independent vs Dependent Variable
Studies and Samples
Psuedo vs Science

What is the empirical relation between two variables such that change in one brings about change in another?

What is causation?


What is the variable that we manipulate?

What is the Independent Variable?


When each individual has an equal chance to be selected and they select these people randomly to allow for it to be as unbiased as possible, what is that called?

What is Simple Random Sampling (SRS)?


What is the area of setup to look for questions that support its claim?

What is Pseudoscience?


You want to learn how college students are affected by a new energy drink. This energy drink is said to help improve grades and stay alert during class. What would you call the entire student body as a group in your experiment?

What is Population?


What refers to the group of things that we want information about?

What is the population?


What is the variable that is the result of the experiment and we cannot directly control?

What is the Dependent Variable?


When you take the population and divide it into groups of people who are similar, what is that called?

What is Stratified Random Sampling?


What is the application of knowledge of the social world based on evidence?

What is science?


If we were to take a small group of students out of the population to examine and draw conclusions about them, what would they be?

What is a Sample?


What is a group of people from the same population that we take out so that we can examine and draw conclusions about them?

What is a sample?


Say we are experimenting with how sunlight affects plant growth, would the independent variable be the amount of sunlight we give the plant or the plants' growth?

What is the amount of sunlight we give the plant?


In which study do researchers purpose interventions and analyze the effects/ results?

What is Experimental Studies?


What revolves around claims that will challenge the search for evidence?

What is science?


In a classroom full of students the teacher needs a volunteer. The teacher sits everyone down and draws a stick out of a jar with all her student’s names in the jar. The stick in which she pulled, whoever’s name it is, will be the volunteer. What is this process called?

What is Simple Random Sampling (SRS)?


What measures the association between two or more variables, or how they go together?

What is correlation?


Say we are experimenting with certain chemicals to see how they react when mixed with water. Would the dependent variable be the chemical we use or the reaction of the chemicals?

What is the chemical reaction?


If we want to find the relationship between two variables, what type of study would that be?

What are Correlational/Observational Studies?


What is the collection of theories, assumptions, and methods regarded as scientific?

What is Pseudoscience?


When a student’s spent amount of free time is more than the student’s spent amount of academic time and their grades are hurting. When one variable increases, the other decreases. What do we call this?

What is correlation?


What is known as the third variable and is something that could undermine your ability to draw causal inferences?

What is confounding variable?


Say we are running an experiment about the effects of screen time on a young child's development. What is a big confounding variable that could affect our experiment?

What is the child viewing on the screen?

How big is the screen that the child is using?


We want to investigate the teaching effect of this school. I have set some unimportant variables as the control group, and the remaining variables are random and not specially assigned. Is this a quasi-experimental study or a real experiment?

What are Quasi-Experimental Design Studies?


If a company is claiming that their product does something, but there is no true scientific evidence or experiment to prove it true, what are they using?

What is Psuedoscience?


When a student puts extra time into studying, their grades improve. The change in time spent brings change as a result. What do we call this?

What is Causation?
