Responsible for fear
What is the amygdala?
In charge of pleasure and rewards
What is dopamine?
"Father of modern psychiatry"
Who is Sigmund Freud?
white part of the eye, protects it
What is the sclera?
Focuses on examining our thoughts, feelings and behaviors
What is the Biological Approach?
Responsible for memories, and learning
What is the hippocampus?
In charge of pleasure and pain reduction
What is endorphins?
Created functionalist school of thought
Who is William James?
black dot at center of the eye, opening where light can pass through
What is the pupil?
Functioning is based on the interaction of drives and forces between the person
What is the psychodynamic approach?
Responsible for the regualtion of hunger and satiety
What is the hypothalamus?
In charge of memory and muscle action
What is acetylcholine?
Known for his 8-stage theory of Psychosocial Develompent
Who is Erik Erikson?
covers the iris and pupil
What is the cornea?
Focuses on how ones environment and and external stimuli impact a persons mental states and development
What is the behavioral approach?
Responsible for voluntary movement and balance
What is the cerebellum?
in charge of sleep and mood
What is serotonin?
Developed "client centered" therapy
Who is Carl Rogers?
responible for seeing color
What is the cones?
Shifts away from conditioned behavior and psychoanalytical notions to how the mind works
What is the cognitive approach?
Responsible for motor movement and implicit memories
What is Basal Ganglia?
In charge of stopping the actions of excitatory neurotransmitters, as well as learning and memory
What is GABA?
Described process of operant conditioning
Who is B.F. Skinner?
responsible for seeing in poor light
What is the rods?
Idea that we should approach psychological studies uniquely for each individual because we are all so vastly different.
What is the humanistic approach?