changes size depending on the amount of light
What is the Pupil?
Channels the sound to go to the eardrum.
What is ear canal?
Soup is which of the 5 tastes...
What is brothy?
The process that occurs when special neuron receptor sites in the sense organs are activated, allowing various outside stimuli to become neutral signals in the brain.
What is sensation?
The feeling of sensation in a limb that has been removed is....
What is Phantom Limb Syndrome?
Visual sensory receptors found at the back of the retina, responsible for non color sensitivity to low levels of light.
What are rods?
Tiny bone that passes sound from drum to anvil.
What is hammer?
Cookies are which of the 5 tastes....
What is sweet?
The process of converting outside stimuli, such as light, into neutral activity.
What is Transduction?
Theory of color vision that proposes visual neutrons are stimulated by light of one color and inhabited by the light of another color.
What is opponent-process theory?
Visual sensory receptors found at the back of the retina responsible for color vision and sharpness of vision.
What are Cones?
Sensory system in charge of balance, coordination
What is vestibular organ?
Limes are which of the 5 tastes....
What is sour?
The lowest level of stimulation that a person can consciously detect 50% of the time the stimulation is present.
What is absolute threshold?
Theory of color vision that proposes three types of cones; red, blue, and green.
What is trichromantic theory?
Muscles that control size of pupils
What is the Iris?
Receptors of sound
What are Hair cells?
Chips are which of the 5 tastes...
What is salty?
Tendency of sensory receptor cells to become less responsive to a stimulus that is unchanging.
What is sensory adaptation?
Theory of pitch that states that different pitches are experienced by the stimulation of hair cells in different locations on the organ of Corti.
What is place theory?
Where the optic nerve leaves the eye
What is blind spot?
Translates the fluid of sound by electrical impulses to brain
What is the cochlea?
Coffee is which of the 5 tastes...
What is bitter?
As a cue of depth perception, the brain's use of information about the changing thickness of the lens of the eye in response to looking at objects that are close or far away.
What is visual accommodation?
Theory of pitch that states that pitch is related to the spread of vibrations, in the basilar membrane.
What is frequency theory?