Four Developmental Psychologists
Infancy & Early Childhood Development
Adulthood & Senior Citizens
Group Behaviors
Personalities & Behaviors

According to Erik Erikson, we all face many ___________ as we grow from infancy to old age.

What are crises?

Susie is crying because her teddy bear, Bo, has fallen off the kitchen table and landed on its face. She insists that her mother put a bandage on Bo's nose. Susie is in Piaget's _______________ stage of development.

What is Preoperational?


Teens tend to follow peer influences in dress, hairstyles, music, and this.

What are Speech Patterns?


According to Gail Sheehy, that period when adults are at the height of their creative and productive powers is called ________________.

What is the Age of Mastery?


This is when you put the needs of the group ahead of your own personal needs.

What is Collectivism?


The analytic theory developed by Carl Jung stresses that human behavior is influenced by __________ and ___________.

What are Mysticism and Religion?


This is when someone channels basic impulses into acceptable behavior.

What is Sublimation?   


According to Freud, during the ___________ stage of personality development children discover the difference between boys and girls.

What is the Phallic Stage?


This powerful survival impulse leads infants to seek closeness to their caregivers.

What is Attachment?


This is when a teenager reverts to an earlier stage of development because of stress or anxiety.

What is Regression?


An important advantage a 60-year-old driver has over a 20-year-old driver is ___________________.

What is More Experience?


Ashley witnesses a mugging on a crowded bus but does nothing to help the victim. When later asked by the police to explain his inaction, Ashley says that she figured someone else would help the victim. Ashley has cited which explanation for the bystander effect?

What is Diffusion of Responsibility?


Because Pablo sees everything that happens around him from his own point of view, his thinking is ____________.

What is Egocentric?


Individuals with anorexia refuse to eat, whereas individuals with bulimia eat large quantities of food and then do this.

What is purge?


According to Erikson, the first stage of development is a period when the infant develops the basic characteristic of _______________.

What is Trust vs. Mistrust?


According to Piaget, this term refers to a child applying an existing schema to a new object.

What is Assimilation?


Self-esteem is lowest during ________________.

What is Puberty (ages 12-14)?


This is the goal of hospice care.

What is to improve the quality of life?


The tendency to seek stimulation in the company of others describes a personality known as __________.

What is Extroversion?

This is the tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger or anxiety.

What is Neuroticism?


This type of parent is firm but reasonable, and explains why a child's behavior is incorrect.

What is an Authoritative parent? 


Erikson focused on ___________, while Kohlberg focused primarily on ___________ development.

What are Social Conflict and Moral Development?


Rachel is very careful to keep her new baby boy clothed and well-fed and to change his diaper when needed. She does not hold or touch him much because she thinks this will spoil him and make him too dependent. Based on Harlow's studies, you should tell Rahcel ____________________________.

What is the fact that babies need to be touched and held to develop normally?


Tyler drives faster and more dangerously with his friends in the car. The reason for Tyler's change in behavior is due to ____________.

What is Risky Shift?


Elizabeth Kubler-Ross's Stages of Death & Grief include Anger, Bargaining, and ___________.

What is Denial?


Ben swims faster when there are large crowds at the swim meet than when he practices, and no one is around. His faster times may be due to this.

What is Social Facilitation?


Personality theorist Alfred Adler believed that people are motivated by ______________________.

What are Feelings of Inferiority?


These are oversimplified and distorted beliefs about groups of people. 

What are Stereotypes?


According to Kohlberg, a person's own guiding principles take precedence over laws in deciding right or wrong behavior in the ___________ stage or moral reasoning.

What is Conventional Stage?


If parents let their children find their own ways to solve problems, encourage their children to be persistent and inspire them to enjoy schoolwork, then their kids will likely set learning goals for __________.

Who are themselves?


These are attempts by young adults to determine college choice, career choice, and decisions regarding relationships.

What is Reassessment?


You have gone to the local gym to exercise for about a week. You notice that everyone is wearing light-colored socks. The next day, you go to the store to buy a pair of light-colored socks and start wearing them to the gym. You think you look pretty neat. You have just experienced ____________.

What is Conformity?


If you get someone to agree to a smaller request in the hopes of persuading them to agree to a larger request, you are using the _________________ persuasion technique.

What is the Foot in the Door technique?


According to Gordon Allport, a trait that dominates an individual's entire personality is called a __________ trait.

What is a Cardinal?


Freud theorized that the part of the mind that functions according to the moral/conscience principle is the _______________.

What is the Superego?


An infant who knows that an object exists even if it is not in view has developed ______________.

What is Object Permanence?


When 68-year-old Mrs. Tamayo had a flat tire on a fairly isolated highway, she received help from a passerby in less than 10 minutes. One year later, she had a flat tire on a busy freeway, when an hour elapsed before someone finally stopped to offer assistance. Mrs. Tamayo's experience best illustrates ______________.

What is The Bystander Effect?


The results of Milgram's obedience experiments demonstrated that a majority of people will obey orders that they know are unreasonable if they are told by ______________________.

What is an Authority Figure?


Tyler wants to stay up late and watch a movie with his folks. They say, "Sure, we don't mind!" When Tyler wants to sleep in rather than get up because he stayed up late, his parents let him do that. "Tyler should be able to make all his own decisions," they say. "We don't want him to feel there is anything he can't do." Tyler's parents are displaying this type of parenting style.

What is Permissive?
