This person believed in the power of the unconscious mind.
Who was Sigmund Frued?
The brain has this many hemispheres.
What is two hemispheres?
This research method is done by observing people someone/something in their natural environment.
What is natural observation?
This is otherwise known as the "I knew it all along phenomenon.
What is hindsight bias?
This surrounds The axon in a neuron.
What is the mylin sheath?
This person suffered a major injury to the brain and is now used as an example to show how the brain can still function in certain areas after damage.
Who was Phineas Gage?
These four lobes can be found in the brain.
What is the frontal parietal, temporal and occipital lobe?
This research method is the most descriptive and used to study an individual or a small group in depth.
What is a case study?
These psychologists study how cultures vary around the world.
Who are sociocultral psychologists?
These are chemical messengers that travel across the synapse between neurons.
What are neurotransmitters?
This is what is being manipulated in an experiment.
What is the independent variables?
This large band of neural fibers connects the two hemispheres of the brain.
What is the corpus collosum?
This is one of the disadvanatges of using a survey as a resaerch method.
Why do people respond differently based on the context of the survey and they way it is being asked?
What is false?
These neurons communicate internally within the brain and the spinal cord.
What are interneurons?
This is how descriptive research methods are conducted.
How are case studies, naturalistic observations and surveys conducted?
These cells are found in the cerebral cortex and help nourish other cells.
What are glial cells?
This is something that psychologists are required to have during an experiement, otherwise the data can be incorrect.
What is critical thinking?
These psychologists apply psychological principles to work settings.
Who are i/o psychologists?
This neurotransmitter can deteriorate with Alzheimer's disease.
What is Acetylcholine?
This is required to be obtained before conducting an experiment.
What is consent?
This area in the parietal lobe that processes touch and movement sensations.
What is the somatosensory cortex?
This is how a theory and hypothesis differ.
What is a hypothesis is a testable prediction that is implied by a theory and a theory is explanations that observations and predictions to certain events?
This is when we see a connection/correlation that does not exist.
What is an illusory correlation?
This is sensory information necessary to activate a withdrawal of a hand from a hot object.
What is a reflex?