Construct Validity
Interpretations and Implications
True or False
Defining Validation

When can you have high-internal consistency with low validity? 

What is item-test correlations and certain reliability formulas? 

What is uninterpreted data of this sort with a consistent internal measure?


What is a construct? 

What is,

  • Some postulated attribute of people, assumed to be reflected in test performance (Cronbach & Meehan., 1955).
  • Labels for clusters of covarying behaviors
  • Merely a hypothesis about which behaviors will reliably covariant.
  • Heuristic devices for describing behavioral domains.

”Is this test valid?” Is this statement a good inquiry for studying a test. Why or why not?

False, Cronbach & Meehan (1955) states that one doens not validate a test but only a principle for making inferences and some aspects can be valid and others nor


Give your best definition of construct validity according to our readings.

What is - when an investigator believes that his instrument reflects a particular construct, to which are attached certain meanings?


What would your recommendations be for an investigator to find support for a validating a constrict that has no observable behavior? 

What is a nomological net?

What is measurement of different theoretical constructs to one another? 


According to (Cronbach & Meehan., 1955) if an investigator whose prediction and data do not tell the same story he may only interpret these findings in three different ways. What is one of these ways?

What is,

  • The test does not measure the construct Arial.
  • The theoretical network which generated the hypothesis is incorrect.
  • The experimental design failed to test the hypothesis properly.

Can you ever have 100% confidence in Theory? Why or why not?

What is - False, Though you could have supportive evidence for your theory there could still be a study that comes out in the future with oppositional evidence. How exciting!!


(Sireci., 2016) In this article they speak on test scores interpretation and its relationship to the application of the test that you are getting this score from. Do you based on this article think that you can rely on one without the other?

False, Validating test score interpretations is a necessary component of validation, but it is not sufficient for supporting the use of a test for a particular purpose.


Debate: How does operational definitions help or hinder researchers ability to support construct validity?

Help: consistent operational definitions can help to generalize and better study construct

Hinder: mismatched operational definitions may make it harder to study or generalize


Cronbach & Meehan (1955) “The Binet scale was first valued because children’s scores tended to agree with judgments by schoolteachers. If it had not shown this agreement, it would have been discarded along with reaction time and the other measures of ability previously tried. Teacher judgments once constituted the criterion against which the individual intelligence test was validated. But if today a child’s IQ is 135 and three of his teachers complain about how stupid he is, we do not conclude that the test has failed.“ Why do you think this is the case?

What is starting with a vague concept associated with certain observations, then discover empirically that these observations covariant with other observations, find a statistical relationship through conceptual enrichment. So, original criterion could move to peripheral position after extensive research on the topic?


Debate: Rejecting the null hypothesis finishes the job of construct validation, why or why?

The problem is not to conclude that the test “is valid” for measuring the construct variable. The task is to state as definitely as possible the degree of validity the test is presumed to have.


Debate: What do you think validation should be focused on in the beginning?

What is - (Sireci., 2016) states that they believe that validation should be focused on the intended use of test scores and using validity as a tool to support these uses do you ? One team takes the agreement side and one take the disagreement side.
