What does SSRI stand for?
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
How many classes of antipsychotics are there?
1) First gen
2) Second/atypical gen
What medication do we use for as needed anxiety that is a relative to benadryl?
-Not sleeping 7-10 days
-bizarre behavior- more impulsive, more energy, not finishing projects, euphoric, grandiose
-requires inpatient hospitalization
Bipolar 1 disorder
what is a trough level?
The medication amount is the lowest in the blood at this time
Ex: take lithium 10-12 hours prior to the testing time to avoid inaccurate readings
What antidepressant family is first line for anxiety and depression?
parkinsonism, akithisia, and dystonia
What is serotonin anxiolytic that patients can take scheduled, with some people believing placebo rather than effect?
Buspar vs. Buproprion
Symptoms presenting the week before the onset of menses, starts to improve a few days after the onset of menses, and becomes minimal or absent in the week postmenses
also, marked affective lability, irritation,anger, depressed/hopeless, anxiety, tension
treatment is SSRIs or send to OBGYN for hormone therapy
What is an appropriate LI level?
What SSRI has the longest half life? allowing a missed dose to not disrupt the entire medication regimen.
What antipsychotic medication do you need to take at least 350 calories with for appropriate absorption?
Latuda (lurasidone)
Why should older people not take benzos?
Presence of obsessions or compulsions or both:
Recurrent or persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive or unwanted, that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress
Repetitive behaviors or mental acts that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession
Our patients depakote results at 70.0, what do we do now?
No response is warranted as long as the patient is adjusting to the medication appropriately, this is unlike LI where is needs a certain range to be effective
Can a patient take Wellbutrin and Lexapro at the same time? if so, why?
Seroquel is beneficial for...?
Bipolar 2 (higher doses)
What medication do we give to patients on a CIWA alcohol scale?
Adjustment disorder
What medications can increase lipids/a1c?
What antidepressant family is the most lethal in an overdose?
Tricyclic antidepressants
What lab work needs to be done prior to initiating antipsychotic medication?
What is the longest acting Benzo?
An uninterrupted period of illness during which there is a major mood episode (Major depressive or manic) concurrent with delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, negative symptoms
delusions/hallucinations for 2 or more weeks without mood disruption
not attributed to a substance
Schizoaffective disorder
For Clozaril, how often do patients get their blood drawn in the second 6 months of treatment?
every 2 weeks