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What Would Florence Do?
Anafranil is most often used as an anti-obsessive agent. What is the upper end of the dosage range?
What is 100 mg - 300mg/day in divided doses?
Prolixin is used for this devastatingmental illness….
What is Schizophrenia?
Binds to serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain while increasing norepinephrine metabolism. Yet, you must remember not to drink large amounts of grapefruit juice.
What is BuSpar?
Why is it so important to determine the recent use of alcohol consumption or other depressant prior to initiating treatment with benzodiazepines for an anxious patient? -
Combined use of benzodiazepines and other CNS depressants can lead to death from respiratory failure.
A patient diagnosed with GAD is prescribed Paxil 30 mg po QHS. Paxil is supplied as a 20 mg tablet. Florence would administer...
What is 1.5 tablets?
This medication is used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy.
What is Adderal (amphetanime and detroamphetanime)?
What classification do the following medications fit nicely into:Imiprimine, fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram
What are antidepressants?
This anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer cannot be prescribed if a new mother is breast feeding.
What is Tegretol (carbamazepine)?
This medication was pulled off the market due to action by consumer groups after multiple children died as a result of hepatic disease/toxicity/failure
What is Cylert?
A patient diagnosed with hypochondriasis is prescribed Klonopin for underlying anxiety. Florence would educate the patient about...
What is the need to avoid drinking alcohol because Klonopin and alcohol are CNS depressants and taken together produce an additive CNS depressant effect placing the patient at risk for injury?
1-2 mg po twice daily will help reduce acute dystonic reactions.
What is Cogentin (benztropine)?
If a medication is given a Category C designation as a pregnancy category it indicates...
What is no demonstrated adverse effect in animal studies and no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women?
This medication is indicated in the maintenance treatment of Bipolar 1 disorder. However, the nurse must monitor for a life threatening dermatologic adverse reaction.
What is Lamictal and the life threatening adverse reaction STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME?
This medication has been withdrawn form the North American market for rare but serious hepatic failure and/or toxicity.
What is Serzone?
A patient diagnosed with bulimia nervosa has responded well to citalopram (Celexa). What does Florence know about the association between bulimia nervosa and what two neurotransmitters.
What is the association between bulimia nervosa, serotonin and norepinephrine?
Seroquel (quetiapine) probably acts by serving as antagonist of dopamine and serotonin. This is the dosage range when treating an individual with schizophrenia.
What is 400-800 mg?
As designated by the controlled substance schedule, this classification of medications are given this designation as indicating a high potential for abuse and extreme liability for physical and psychological dependency...
What is Schedule II?
Foods that must be avoided on a tyramine restricted MAOI diet.
What is aged red wine, smoked, pickled, marinated, or processed meats, mature cheeses, Chinese pea pods, miso soup, avocados, raspberries, chocolate?
This classification of medications used to treat depression, panic disorder, OCD, GAD, and PTSD cannot be abruptly withdrawn as it would result in...
What is withdrawal syndrome?
Florence understands that the medication of choice used most often in the treatment of patients diagnosed with anorexia nervosa is...
What is Prozac?
The dosage range for Risperdal can range from...
What is 4-12 mg per day, however, there is an increase risk in EPS with doses greater than 6 mg?
The SSRI's and SNRI's are often preferred over the TCA's because...
What is SSRI's and SNRI's have fewer side effects and a more rapid onset of action?
Though this medication is used for individuals with depressive symptoms, the nurse must closely monitor for suicidality.
What is Remeron?
This medication used for individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar mania should be used cautiously with this population.
What is elderly with dementia related psychosis?
Florence observes that one of her patients is feeling restlessness and weakness in his lower extremities, is constantly pacing and drooling. He is a young man diagnosed with paranoid personality disorder and is currently taking Risperdal. The most important nursing intervention would include...
What is giving/requesting a PRN dose of Cogentin to reduce the dystonic reaction?