Human Growth & Development
Health Promotion, Wellness, & Disease Prevention
Sensory Perception
Complementary & Integrative Health

This is a type of grief that slowly improves over time where painful feelings are intermingled with positive memories and peace.

What is uncomplicated grief?


This is the first stage of Freud's psychosexual stages during which the infant (0-1 year of age) experiences their environment and meets their needs via their mouths.

What is the oral stage?


This type of risk factor includes examples such as diet, exercise habits, sunbathing, and smoking.

What are modifiable risk factors?


For this type of sensory loss, nurses can provide adequate interventions by speaking lowly and clearly, minimizing background noises, and facing the client.

What is hearing loss?


This popular substance when used for aromatherapy purposes can promote sleep.

What is lavender? or What is chamomile?


This stage of grief is characterized by strong feelings and displays of resentment or frustrations.  An example is "This is not fair, why is this happening to me?"

What is anger?


This diagnosis which often occurs during childhood is characterized by impulsiveness, trouble paying attention, and hyperactivity.

What is ADHD?

This type of wellness can be promoted through exercise, proper diet, seatbelt use, and primary care practices.

What is physiological wellness?


This is the gradual, age-related loss of the eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects.

What is presbyopia?

This herbal substance can be used to reduce cholesterol and high blood pressure; it also inhibits platelet aggregation.

What is garlic?

An example of this stage of grief is "If I can make it to my daughter's wedding, I will go to church every Sunday".

What is bargaining?


This is the age group for Erikson's final psychosocial stage integrity vs despair; during this stage individuals adapt to changes, deal with losses, and face death.

What is older adults (65 and older)?


This type of wellness can be maintained through productive coping mechanisms, stress management, adequate sleep, and seeing a therapist.

What is psychological wellness?


For this type of sensory loss, appropriate nursing interventions can include keeping walking paths clear, announcing your presence and inform clients of your departure, give specific information about the arrangement of personal belongings or food on the tray.

What is vision loss?


This term means whole and this practice emphasizes the importance of considering the mind, body, and spirit of an individual for care purposes.

What is holistic?


This stage of grief takes place when a griever refuses to accept a loss or diagnosis or states "Doctors are wrong all the time".

What is denial?


This is Erikson's psychosocial stage of development for adolescents during which they strongly identify with peers, strive for independence, and develop a sense of self.

What is identity vs role confusion?


This type of disease prevention includes the use of preventive measures such as condom use, immunizations, and seat belt use.

What is primary disease prevention?


This is reduced sensory input from the internal or external environment which can lead to cognitive, affective, or perceptual impairments.  Examples of this are neglected infants/children or isolated older adults.

What is sensory deprivation?


This type of complementary and alternative therapy uses needles or digital pressure to alter body function or for analgesic purposes.

What is acupuncture?


This is a type of grief characterized by a griever feeling along during the grieving process due to society's lack of acceptance or compassion toward the loss.

What is disenfranchised grief?


This diagnosis usually is made in early childhood and often includes inattention to social cues, lack of eye contact, repetitive behaviors, and learning variances.

What is autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?


This type of disease prevention is fulfilled through early detection of diseases by use of screening tools such as blood pressure screenings, pap tests, and colonoscopies.

What is secondary disease prevention?


These are two senses are heavily intertwined.

What are smell and taste?


This type of complementary and alternative therapy is a body-based/manipulative method during which the muscles and connective tissues are manually stretched and loosened to promote relaxation and circulation.

What is massage therapy?
