Geography Unfiltered: Where on Earth
Parenting 101: Surviving the Chaos
Wine Not? The Boozy Brain Tease
School Daze: Lessons They Didn’t Teach Us
Dutch Courage: The Fun Side of the Netherlands

This European country has more castles per square mile than anywhere else in the world, because, apparently, medieval landlords had a monopoly on real estate

What is Wales?


When your kid asks you, “Where do babies come from?” this vague yet effective three-word answer buys you time

What is “Ask your mom”?


This wine term, which sounds like a karate move, describes the method of removing sediment from vintage bottles

What is decanting?


This type of “history” class conveniently skipped over all the atrocities committed by the country teaching it

What is colonial history?


This Dutch city is known for its beautiful canals, legal weed, and tourists who forget how to walk straight after visiting a coffeeshop

What is Amsterdam?


This African country’s capital city is home to the largest church in the world, but don’t let that distract you from its diamond mines.

What is Côte d’Ivoire?


The scientific name for that moment when you realize your toddler is too quiet and you’ll need to buy a new couch

What is panic?


This grape variety has a name that sounds like an overpriced cologne and is the main ingredient in Chianti

What is Sangiovese?


This modern subject is taught with passion, even though 95% of students will never use it beyond passing the exam

What is algebra?


This Dutch holiday character is so politically incorrect that even Santa Claus would cancel him

What is Zwarte Piet (Black Pete)?


This South American country was named after a metal it doesn’t even produce in significant quantities.

What is Argentina?


This milestone is not walking or talking, but when your child learns to embarrass you publicly with astonishing precision

What is “the first tantrum”?


This term for “blended wine” is also a polite way to say “We threw some leftovers together, and it worked.

 What is cuvée?


This “emergency drill” was less about safety and more about pretending wooden desks could stop nuclear annihilation.

What is the Cold War duck-and-cover drill


This Dutch habit of bringing your own lunch everywhere, including restaurants, is the ultimate cost-saving measure

What is being frugal?


This Swiss canton’s constitution was the last in the world to grant women the right to vote—in 1991, proving neutrality doesn’t mean progress.

What is Appenzell Innerrhoden?


This household item doubles as a baby entertainment device and a source of temporary parenting peace

What is the washing machine?


This wine region in California is home to over 400 wineries but still can’t stop people from calling it “Napa.

What is Sonoma?


This class was marketed as useful, but most adults only remember that it involved a bunsen burner and fire.

What is chemistry?


This Dutch treat is deep-fried, filled with molten lava, and responsible for more burnt tongues than hot coffee.

What is bitterballen?


This island nation’s residents eat spam like it’s a delicacy, proving that even processed meat can thrive in the right ecosystem.

What is the Philippines?


This phrase, yelled at bedtime, is the reason your Netflix binge schedule is constantly delayed.

What is “I need water”?


This sparkling wine is what you drink when you want to pretend you’re classy but can’t afford Champagne

What is Prosecco?


This overachiever subject claimed to teach us “universal truths” but couldn’t explain why your boss is an idiot

What is philosophy?


This Dutch city is famous for its cheese, proving that even lactose intolerance can’t stop capitalism.

What is Gouda?
