Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

 Most people recover from viral hepatitis.

True or false

True -  it is considered a serious health risk because it can destroy liver cells, weaken the body’s immune response, and cause liver cancer or liver failure.


The vast majority of liver cancers are caused by metastatic spread from a primary site, such as the colon, lung, breast, or prostate and are not a site of primary cancer. 

True or False


Because liver cancer often invades the hepatic and portal veins, it usually spreads quickly to the lungs. Other sites of metastases are the brain, kidneys, and spleen.

When primary liver cancers do form, they often originate in people with a cirrhotic liver from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a liver condition affecting people who drink little to no alcohol. 


This hernia is the passage of intraabdominal contents through a weakness around the belly button 



__________is the hypersensitivity to gluten in dietary grains causing irritation and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, wheat products, rye, barley, and oats. The body reacts to gluten as either an irritant or an allergen.



Kidney stones with a jagged irregular shape that resemble a toy with a central core and spikes radiating outward are called __________

Larger, irregular kidney stones in the shape of the renal pelvis are called ____________

 jackstone calculi.

 staghorn calculi


For Hepatitis A, B and C, indicate whether 

mild or chronic

vaccine or no vaccine available

 Hepatitis A. Most cases are mild with recovery within 2 months with no lasting liver damage. Vaccine.

Hepatitis B. Most cases are mild with recovery within 6 months. Vaccine.

Hepatitis C. Most cases of HCV are chronic. No vaccine.


Gallstones are masses of solid material or stones called ______which form in the gallbladder or bile duct. Gallstones are also called ___________.

Inflammation resulting from a lodged gallstone may lead to ___________.

calculi or cholelithiasis

Gallstones can be tiny (the size of a grain of sand) or may be as large as a golf ball. Some people develop a single gallstone, whereas others develop many gallstones at the same time. Gallstones may remain undetected or become lodged in the common bile duct



This hernia occurs when part of the intestine enters the narrow passage through a muscle in the lower abdominal wall; in men it contains the spermatic cord and in women it contains the round ligament. This type is more common in men.

Inguinal hernia


Anorexia is more common in men than in women.

True or False



Kidney infection is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI) in one or both kidneys. It is also called __________


How is Hep A usually transmitted? 

Hepatitis A and E are typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food and water or through oral-fecal routes. HAV can be sexually transmitted.

Hepatitis B, C, and D usually occur from direct contact with infected blood or body fluids through sexual contact, shared needles or needle stick injuries, or instruments used in tattooing and body piercing, or infected mother to baby during birth.


Pain in _____________quadrant from gallstones may radiate to the shoulder.

right upper  


This hernia occurs when part of the intestine enters a canal located beneath the groin, they are more common in women.

Femoral hernia


The urinary system consists of:

two_____, two _______, one_______ , and one _______



urinary bladder



______is an inherited disorder in which kidneys become riddled with multiple cysts, causing them to enlarge and lose their ability to filter wastes

Polycystic kidney disease


Cirrhosis is a disease in which liver tissue degenerates and is replaced by fibrotic scar tissue, giving it a yellow-orange color and a cobbled appearance called a _________

“hobnail liver”


 ______is the inflammation of the pancreas causing the activation of enzymes, which begin attacking and digesting the pancreas.

The two major causes of acute pancreatitis are:

________ and ___________


gallstones and alcohol abuse (80% of cases are linked to alcohol abuse).


This is the protrusion of an organ through a scar in the abdominal wall post-surgery

incisional hernia


The kidneys are reddish, bean-shaped organs located in the posterior abdominal wall, just above waist level, with the right kidney located slightly higher.

True or False

False - left kidney higher


Kidney failure, or renal failure, is the loss of kidney function.

CRF has a gradual onset, is usually irreversible, and often goes undetected until kidney function has decreased to less than ________ of normal.


The two types are acute and chronic; most cases are chronic. ARF is the sudden and usually temporary loss of kidney function. Most people who experience ARF are critically ill, already hospitalized, and often in intensive care; treatment is usually expedient.


The person with cirrhosis often experiences a dull ache or pain in the __________ of the abdomen as the liver enlarges.

upper right quadrant


 This type of hernia is when the upper part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm and into the thoracic cavity



Obesity is abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health with the affected person having a BMI of ____(#) kg/m2 or more



The functional unit of the kidney is the ________.

The first portion of it consists of a cluster of blood capillaries called a________ and protrudes into a hollow space enclosed by a membrane known as the Bowman capsule.

________ is the inflammation of this part within the kidneys; usually occurs 7 to 10 days after an upper respiratory tract infection.





________is a method of filtering wastes from the blood through a semipermeable membrane and dialysis solution when the kidneys are not functioning properly


Hemodialysis uses a machine called a dialyzer to filter blood; the treatment is usually provided in a hospital or dialysis center (Fig. 12.12). The machine is called an artificial kidney. 

Peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneum (located in the abdomen) as the semipermeable membrane; the treatment is usually administered at home.
