Working Memory Model
Emotion and Cognition
Etiologies of PTSD
General PTSD
What are the names of the three stores in the MSM?
sensory store, short-term store, long-term store
Was the working memory model proposed before or after the MSM?
What hormone is released during stress (and what given to participants in Buchanan and Lovallo's study)?
What is an etiology?
An origin of a disease or a disorder
What does PTSD stand for? Bonus 100 = What was its old name?
PTSD = Post-traumatic stress disorder. Old name = shell shock.
What are two studies that support the MSM?
HM's case study and Peterson and Peterson's study on trigrams.
What part of the WMM did Alan Baddeley (on of the creators) call "the little man in the head?"
Central executive
What were the results of Buchanan and Lovallo's experiment?
The group that took cortisol had more recognition of emotional information one week later than the placebo group.
What is the significance of Gilbertson et al.'s twin study on PTSD and hippocampus when talking about etiologies of PTSD?
It shows that reduced volume in the hippocampus could be a risk factor (etiology) of PTSD, and not a symptom of prolonged stress like previously believed.
What is one thing that all people diagnosed with PTSD must have?
An experience of a traumatic event.
What are the three control processes that control the flow of information between the stores?
Attention, Rehearsal (Transfer), and Retrieval
What are the three slave systems?
Episodic buffer, phological loop, visuospatial sketchpad
Why might people with PTSD experience elevated levels of cortisol for a long period of time?
One reason is if they have a conditioned fear response then this conditioning might trigger their stress response frequently, resulting in cortisol being frequently released.
What are three common brain abnormalities found in people with PTSD?
Small volume in hippocampus; hyper-responsive amygdala; hypofunction (and smaller volume) in prefrontal cortex
What are the three general categories of symptoms of PTSD?
Increased anxiety and emotional arousal. Remembering and re-experiencing. Avoidance and emotional numbing.
What are the capacities and durations of the three stores?
Sensory = unlimited capacity, few second duration Short term = limited capacity(4, or 7+-2) , 20-30 seconds duration Long term = unlimited capacity, potential lifetime duration
How is Klingberg's study on children and computer games related to working memory?
It shows that working memory capacity can be improved with training and this improvement could reduce attention-related behaviours associated with ADHD.
How do we know cortisol damages the hippocampus?
Sapolsky implanted pellets of cortisol in one group of monkeys (and cholesterol in another) and found that after one year the cortisol had atrophied the hippocampal neurons.
How is cognitive reappraisal related to increased emotional arousal (a symptom of PTSD)?
If you can cognitively reappraise emotional stimuli that activate your stress response, and you reappraise them in a way that reduces their emotional salience (significance), you can reduce stress response and emotional arousal - but if you can't, the emotional arousal will stay high.
Why is it difficult to know if brain abnormalities found in people with PTSD are a symptom or an etiology?
Because the correlations have been found after the diagnosis - there's no before and after data to compare.
How does Peterson and Peterson's study support the MSM?
It shows that the duration of the STS is only about 18 seconds long.
How does Robbin's et al.'s chess study support the WMM?
It shows evidence for the fact there are two different systems that process different types of information: verbal and visual.
Why could cortisol's effects on memory be an evolutionary adaptation?
It could be beneficial for survival to remember highly emotional information, like places that are dangerous or where to find food.
How is Urry et al.'s study related to etiologies of PTSD?
They found that cognitive reappraisal is a function of the vmPFC. They also found that higher activity in the vmPFC during decreasing the effect of an emotional image correlated with reduced amygdala activity - this provides evidence for the role of cognition and biology in etiologies of PTSD

What does your teacher experience that she uses top-down processing to control her reaction to?

Exploding Head Syndrome
