What are changes that happen to boys at puberty?
facial hair, growth spurt, increased size in reproductive organs
What are changes that happen to girls at puberty?
hips and breasts increase in size, armpit hair grows
What is the age range for girls to go through puberty?
Girls can start as young as 8 years old but the average age is around 12 years old.
Definition of the endocrine system
The system of glands that produce hormones that help to control bodily metabolic activity.
What are ways to keep bodies clean?
showering, using deodorant, wearing clean clothes
what is the primary growth hormone ?
What is the cell produced by the ovaries?
What is what happens when the sperm and egg meet?
Adrenal glands
Produces hormone (adrenaline) that helps the body react to emergency situations.
What are skin conditions which may occur at puberty from oily skin?
Acne (zits or pimples)
What is the male reproductive organ?
What are the female reproductive organs?
What is the master gland that secretes the growth hormones?
Pituitary gland
Pituitary gland
Produces growth hormone and regulates body’s growth and development.
What is what we should do twice a day to have fresh breath?
teeth brushing
What cells are produced by the testes?
What is the growth hormone for females?
What is the passing of characteristics or traits from parent to child?
Secretes a hormone that controls metabolism. (regulates the speed your body turns food into energy.)
What is what carries genetic information?
What is what happens when one egg splits?
identical twins
What is what happens when 2 eggs are fertilized by sperm?
fraternal twins
When do boys typically start puberty?
A bit later than girls, but some start as early as 9 years old through 15 years old.
Produces Insulin which controls body’s ability to use sugar.
Why is hygiene important during puberty?
body produces a lot of hormones that can increase sweat and oil and therefore odor.