Health promotion and disease prevention.
What are the two primary focuses of public health nursing?
Immunizations and health education
What is Primary prevention
Economic stability, education access and quality, healthcare access and quality, neighborhood and built environment, social and community context.
What are the five categories of social determinants of health?
It protects public health by controlling diseases and outbreaks.
What is the role of the CDC
Assessment, policy development, and assurance.
What are the three core functions of public health
What ethical principle requires nurses to do good and act in the best interest of their patients?
Screenings and blood pressure checks
What is Secondary prevention
People with financial stability have better access to healthcare, healthy food, and safe living conditions, reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
How does economic stability impact health outcomes?
Workplace safety and health regulations.
What does OSHA regulate?
Collecting and analyzing health data to identify community needs.
What does the assessment function of public health include?
Public health nursing focuses on entire populations, while community health nursing focuses on specific geographic communities.
What is the difference between public health nursing and community health nursing?
STD testing or cancer screenings.
Give an example of a secondary prevention strategy
Lack of health insurance, which prevents people from receiving preventive care and treatment for chronic conditions.
What is an example of a healthcare access and quality barrier that affects health outcomes?
Address global health emergencies and promote international health equity.
What is the primary function of WHO (World Health Organization)?
Creating smoking bans to reduce tobacco use in communities
Give an example of a policy development strategy in public health
deals with moral principles, values, and the rightness or wrongness of actions
What is ethics?
Minimize complications and maximize health in individuals with existing conditions.
What is tertiary prevention
Safe housing, clean water, transportation access, and recreational spaces contribute to physical and mental well-being.
How does the built environment (neighborhood and physical surroundings) influence community health?
What federal program provides health insurance for individuals aged 65 and older?
Ensuring access to essential healthcare services like vaccinations and screenings.
What is an example of assurance in public health services
Speaking on behalf of a community to influence policies and programs that promote health and prevent disease.
What is the primary goal of public health advocacy?
Providing education on blood sugar monitoring and lifestyle changes.
What is an example of Tertiary Prevention
External factors like economic stability, education, and healthcare access that affect health outcomes.
What are social determinants of health, and how do they impact community health initiatives?
Every 10 years the goal is to improve health and well-being through health equity and preventive strategies.
What is the main goal of the Healthy People 2030 initiative
What is assessment