Promoting and protecting the health of populations using knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences.
What is public health nursing?
The oversight for the WIC and CHIP programs?
What are the state health departments?
Early detection and treatment of disease with a goal of limiting the severity and adverse effects.
What is secondary level of prevention?
Mitigation, Preparedness, Response and Recovery
What is the Emergency Management Cycle?
Health care in the workplace seeks to promote health and prevent occupational illness and injury by improving and maintaining health. Less sick time, fewer workers’ compensation claims, and decreased use of group health coverage decrease workplace expenditures.
What is occupational health?
Health, environment, person and nursing
What are the major elements of the nursing paradigm?
Government agency where a community health nurse can find strategies to promote health and prevent disease.
What is the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP)?
The communicable disease nurse plans to educate the public about disease prevention and ways to eliminate risk factors for exposure (e.g., hand hygiene, universal precautions, proper food handling and storage, use of insecticides, use of condoms) as prevention activity.
What is primary prevention?
Heroic, Honeymoon, Disillusionment, Reconstruction
What are the phases of emotional reactions during a disaster?
Nurses employed at federal, state, and local levels to assess the impact of the health of populations through disease prevention, health promotion, and actions that protect population health.
What is a public health nurse?
Describes the health status of a community and serves as the target of improvements.
What are health indicators?
Promotes behavioral health and aims to reduce the negative effects of substance use and mental illness
What is the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)?
The method of Investigate, Present work, Residence, Environmental concerns, Past work, Activities, Referrals and resources, and Education
What is "I Prepare" mnemonic?
The community health nurse is assessing all equipment and supplies needed for disaster management, including hazmat suits, infectious control items, medical supplies, food, and potable (drinkable) water and details a plan to replenish these regularly.
What is disaster planning activities?
This nurse's activities include investigating perpetrators of injury as well as victims of sexual assault, substance use related injuries, human trafficking, physical abuse, gang violence, disaster, and accidental injuries.
What is a forensic nurse?
The client's environmental factors that influence the client's health.
What are the social determinants of health?
Finances health services for active and retired military persons and dependents.
What is the Veterans Health Administration.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!! Health issues that transcend national boundaries and may best be addressed by cooperative actions
What is global health?
The nurse is engaged in triage, which involves identifying those who have serious versus minor injuries, prioritizing care of victims, and transferring those requiring immediate attention to medical facilities.
What is disaster response activity?
The school nurse provides this level of prevention when assessing school-aged children with disabilities and long-term health care needs, and provides care for children with chronic disease disorders.
What is tertiary prevention?
This thinking focuses on interventions that promote health or prevent illness, as opposed to medical treatment models that focus on care after an individual becomes ill.
What is upstreaming thinking?
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
What is the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services?
Improve quality and years of healthy life; achieve health equity and eliminate health disparities; create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and promote healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages.
What are the overarching goals of Healthy People?
The nurse is making home visits and reassessing the health care needs of the affected population, providing and coordinating care in shelters, and providing stress counseling and assessing for PTSD or delayed stress reactions, and making referrals for psychological treatment.
What are disaster recovery activities?
The functions of this nurse of this personal health counseling (health-risk appraisals, spiritual assessments, support for numerous acute and chronic, actual and potential health problems), health education (available resources, classes, individual and group teaching), liaison between faith community and local resources, facilitating support groups, and spiritual support
What is a parish nurse?