The number of days we keep holds for
The library’s main phone number
(626) 789-0833
Good Neighbor Status is achieved by
Community Cardholders who are fine free, have held a library account for at least 21 days, and demonstrate a history of returning items will be automatically upgraded to Good Neighbor status, which allows them to borrow items from the Library of Things collection.
The Altadena Library District acknowledges its presence on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded land of the
Gabrielino Tongva peoples
The only exception to LOT good neighbor status
Park Pass
Final prizes for reading challenge for adults
Prime pizza, Unincorporated, National parks parking pass
The amount of money patrons receives daily for printing
Expiration of curiosity card
1 year of no usage
Our Vision
An Altadena where all are learning, growing, and thriving together.
The year the main library was built
The fine limit for checking out items
Fifty Dollars
The length of time a patron can check out a laptop
Seven Days
With the teacher card the maximum amount of Audio Materials, Visual Materials & Magazines they could check out
Our Mission
The Altadena Library District brings people and ideas together.
The Cost of renting the community room
Non-profit $50/hr. For others $100/hr.
The ILL limit per month
The main electronic resources
Hoopla, Cloud Library
The fine amount from the collection agency for lost items
Our Values
Equity | Innovation | Empathy
The number of homework and research databases
Number of days LOT items can be borrowed
7 days, hotspot: 21 days
Ashley’s/Nikki’s extension
Ext. 105, ext.103
The number of CA State Parks Passes we offer
Number of covid test boxes given
1 box per person in the household
The architect that designed the building
Boyd Georgi