What is the most important tip?
What is an Elevator Pitch
Short speech, meant to introduce yourself.
Name the two teams in the Superbowl
Bengals VS Rams
What is Declamation
Copying someone's speech (only allowed in speaking tournements)
What to do to prevent speaking in a monotone voice.
Change your voice to make it interesting. Change your speed
How long is a typical Elevator Pitch
1 minute
What day is it February 14
How long is an average Declamation speech
10 minutes
Name two general public speaking tips
Use hand gestures, they catch your audiences’ eyes.
Make eye contact
Try to sound Natural
sound like you care
Difference between Personal and NON-personal
Personal is describing yourself
Non personal is describing an object
What event did Owen compete in to win his NSDA Top 15
Are you allowed to edit a Declamation
Point of Public Speaking
To get your thoughts across to the audience, and the skill of public speaking is to do it in an attention grabbing way.
Name one of the tips in Elevator Pitches
Keep it short and sweet (~60-90 seconds)
Focus on the positive, not the negative (this is not a time to be humble!)
Move a steady pace, but don’t accelerate your rate of delivery
Avoid rambling - stay on topic
Your are selling something, so you need to be persuasive
Check your tone! Monotone deliveries are pitch killers
Don’t be afraid to have multiple elevator pitches for different topics/fields
Practice? Yes, practice. Practice until you deliver this pitch in your speech
December 12, 2019.
Are you allowed to cut words out in a Declamation
How do you make eye contact during a speech?
Look around the room, in a general direction. For example, you look straight in the room, and then left, right, and so on. DON'T STARE AT ONE PERSON
Name all four levels of a Personal Elevator Pitch
Who are you?
What do you do?
What makes you unique?
How do you do it and Who does it affect?
What school does Owen go to?
Princeton Academy
What was the tittle of the speech that we watched as an example of a Declamation
Simply Put