Intro to Public SpeakingWhich of the following describes public speaking?
a. dynamic
b. new
c. outdated
d. static
e. unethical
Intro to Public Speaking
Audience Analysis

Effective public speaking skills do which of the following?

a.         allow people to listen less closely

b.         help students avoid assignments

c.         enhance a person’s ability to make a difference in his or her career and community

d.         make people more inclined to argue

e.         render charts and graphs more important

what is: c. enhance a person’s ability to make a difference in his or her career and community?


During audience analysis, speakers should focus on:

a.         content differences

b.         fictional points

c.         listeners’ interests and backgrounds

d.         personal preferences

e.         tropes

what is: c. listeners' interests and backgrounds?


The most basic ethical guideline for public speaking

what is tell the truth?


Each main points needs this many subpoints.

What is two?


In most public speaking situations, which of the following delivery modes achieves the best


a.         extemporaneous

b.         impromptu

c.         memorization

d.         monotone

e.         reading from a manuscript

what is: a. extemporaneous?


Which of the following is not an example of public speaking in the community?

a.         advocating a policy before the city council

b.         giving a presentation to a service organization

c.        presenting your fund-raising ideas to the school council

d.        holding a conversation with your neighbor about local issues

e.         speaking at a rally for a political candidate

what is: d.        holding a conversation with your neighbor about local issues?


Refers to the beliefs, values, and experiences that you share with your listeners.

What is common ground?


Public speakers who mix facts with lies use which of the following?

a.         ad populum fallacies

b.        half-truths

c.         Loki's public speaking for dummies

d.         false inferences

e.          cultural mores

what is b: half truths?


A closing sentence or paragraph that leaves the audience with a vivid memory of a speech is

called a(n):

a.         attention-getter

b.         clincher

c.         deviator

d.         subordinate

e.         tie-in

what is: b. clincher?


A speaker who wants to build audience interest should do which of the following?

a.         allow extra time for audience questions

b.         ask listeners to take detailed notes

c.         provide listeners with supporting ideas that are relevant to them

d.         repeat statistics throughout the presentation

e.         take several minutes to tell a story thoroughly

what is: c. provide listeners with supporting ideas that are relevant to them?


Which of the following describes public speaking?

a.         dynamic

b.         new

c.         outdated

d.         static

e.         unethical

what is: a. dynamic?


Which of the following is true of small audiences?

a.         general messages are most appropriate

b.         message delivery is the same as for large groups

c.        speakers must work harder to anticipate questions

d.        opportunities for speaker interaction increase

e.         time is the most limiting factor

what is: d: opportunities for speaker interaction increase?


Citations are unnecessary in this scenario.

What is if the information is common knowledge?


The cost of a movie ticket rose 10 percent between 1990 and 2000” is an example of a(n):

a.         definition

b.         example

c.         narrative

d.         statistic

e.         testimony

what is: d. statistic?


Three of the five techniques of informative speeches

What are definition, explanation, description, demonstration, and or narrative?


Communication in which all parties continuously send and receive messages is

known as a:

a.         culture

b.         line

c.         receipt

d.        verbalization

e.        transaction

What is: e. transaction?

The three types of audiences you might face

What are hostile, sympathetic, and neutral audiences?


During speech preparation, speakers can best avoid biased language through their:

a.         arrangement

b.         delivery

c.         invention

d.         memory

e.         style

what is: e. style?


In speeches, good thesis statements do all of the following


a.         convey the bottom line of a speech

b.         express what listeners should know, do, or feel after hearing the speech

c.         present a new or an intriguing study to support a main point

d.         state the overall message in one sentence

e.         stay consistent with the specific purpose

what is: c. present a new or an intriguing study to support a main point?


The statement “Now that you have learned about the muscles of the hand, let me tell you about the muscles of the lower arm” is an example of a(n):

a.         internal preview

b.         internal summary

c.         narrative

d.         signpost

e.         transition

what is: e. transition?


Which term refers to the lens through which people see and interpret reality?

a.         critical thinking

b.        worldview

c.         ethics

d.         shared meaning

e.        culture

what is b: worldview?


Three questions you should ask when thinking about your audience and your speech

1) Has my audience heard the message before?

2) Has my audience responded positively to the message?

3) Why did the previous message fail?


The three pieces of information you need to verbally cite a source in a speech

What are the name, date, and place?

Four of the five organization styles

What are: spatial, chronological (temporal), causal, comparison, or categorical (topical)?


Four of the six best practices of informative speaking

What are: 1) move from general to specific?, 2) reduce the quantity of information, 3) make complex information seem familiar, 4) use presentation aids, 5) reiterate your message or 6) repeat your message?
