Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
A form of communication which has much in common with modern public speaking is__________.
What is conversation.
In the communication process, what is the term for something that interferes with the communication process?
What is noise.
The fact that most speeches are planned and rehearsed well in advance of delivery illustrates what?
What is the difference between public speaking and everyday conversation.
The three major divisions of a speech are:
What is the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.
In this, the twenty-first century of a new era in speechmaking, we know that ______________ is important.
What is understanding different cultures
When a speaker watches and listens for audience response and adapts the delivered message to that response, the speaker is reacting to audience ______.
What is feedback.
When the audience has clearly decided before you even begin to speak that the message has no value for them, the listening barrier to overcome is____________.
What is prejudice.
True or False? A specific-purpose statement is a statement of your major ideas.
What is False
In her speech about the homeless problem in the United States, Charlotte becomes a bit emotional, her voice choking up a little. This causes Amy, an audience member, to become emotional too. What type of listening is occurring in this situation?
What is listening to empathize.
Head nods, murmurings, facial expressions, and eye contact from audience members are all forms of:
What is Feedback.
A listener who suffers from a fear of misunderstanding or misinterpreting messages is said to have______________.
What is receiver apprehension
True or False? Your perceptions of the speaking event, your self-image, and your self-esteem interact to create speech anxiety.
What is True
The willingness to listen to different viewpoints and understand beliefs and values other than your own is known as
What is accommodation
Nick is really worried about his statistics exam after lunch, and isnĘąt really listening to his speech instructor. The listening barrier here is___________________.
What is personal concerns
Our beliefs, values, and moral principles by which we determine what is right or wrong are our
What is ethics.
True or False? Speech anxiety is never beneficial to a speaker.
What is False
Lifting key passages from sources you do not credit in your speech is an unethical practice known as
What is plagiarism
Tara was really nervous before her final class speech, but she just kept concentrating on how important she believed her message to be. She felt convinced in her message, and that conviction finally helped her to dispel her nervousness before the presentation. Which tip about developing confidence in public speaking does this example reflect?
What is focus on the message rather than on your fear.
There are three general purposes for speeches given in your book. What are they?
What is to inform, to persuade, and to entertain.
When a speaker alternately tenses and relaxes their muscles before speaking, this reflects a strategy of coping with nervousness that your text refers to as_________.
What is channeling nervous energy