Would a flight to Ireland from Johnson City be international? (Yes/ no)
Productive means to be...
Producing large amounts of something/ creating a significant result.
Name one of the three branches of science.
Physical, Life, and Earth (All acceptable answers)
How many wheels does a unicycle have?
One (1)
How many legs does a quadruped have?
Four (4)
Something that is interconnected is?
Having all parts together/ linked.
What is an autograph?
A person's signature.
A credible source is often one that...
can easily be believed and shown as fact.
Chronologically means?
A way that follows the order in which events or records occurred.
A prefix comes at the _______ of a word.
An antihero is...
a protagonist of a story that lacks heroic qualities.
Where would you see a paragraph?
In a written work. (Mainly prose/ novels and articles)
What is an acronym?
An abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word.
If something has legitimacy, what does that mean?
It is trustworthy, and can be defended with logic or evidence.
Chron/Temp means?
To congregate means to...
Come together as a whole.
Something that is biodegradable can...
a substance that can be decomposed by bacteria or other organisms.
Is an ambiance the character and atmosphere of a place? (Yes/ no)
What is neurosurgery?
The medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders which affect any portion of the nervous system. Basically the brain and spinal cord/ column.
A psyche is?
The human soul, mind, or spirit.
Something unsatisfactory is..
Transatlantic means...
across the Atlantic.
Meteorology is the study of...
What is a jurisdiction?
The official power to make legal decisions and judgments or a system of law courts.
What is an affix?
A word part added to either the beginning or end of a word.