End-of-sentence punctuation
Within-sentence punctuation
Sentence boundaries
Items in a series

Where are you.

Where are you?


Oscar the white dog is two years old. 

Oscar, the white dog, is two years old.


Even though he is small.

Sentence fragment!

Even though he is small, he is capable of great things.


Grammar quizzes can cause anxiety stress and panic.

Grammar quizzes can cause anxiety, stress, and panic.


The crowd gasped as the ballet dancer flew across the stage, cheered as she completed her sixth consecutive pirouette, and cried as she folded her wings over herself for one last time.

No change


He questioned his faith?

He questioned his faith.


I eat three meals a day; breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Since professional athletes are paid so much. They can use their money to better their communities.

Since professional athletes are paid so much, they can use their money to better their communities.


Oscar's colors are white brown, and black.

Oscar's colors are white, brown, and black.


Visitors to Iceland have the option of staying in an ice hotel. Where lavish rooms are carved from solid blocks of ice.

Visitors to Iceland have the option of staying in an ice hotel, where lavish rooms are carved from solid blocks of ice.


Do you think we will have a snow day tomorrow! 

Do you think we will have a snow day tomorrow?


James searched all over the internet to find a funny joke; and he sent it to his little brother. 

James searched all over the internet to find a funny joke; he sent it to his little brother.


James was searching all over the interned to find a funny joke, and he sent it to his little brother.


Oscar is a very energetic dog he requires four walks a day.

Oscar is a very energetic dog. He requires four walks a day.


After lights out, the students were found playing video games, taking, showers, and leaving their dorm.

After lights out, the students were found playing video games, taking showers, and leaving their dorm.


"Your tardiness is making me question your commitment to this project?" Julia's boss warned.

"Your tardiness is making me question your commitment to this project," Julia's boss warned.


Watch out. I think that cat bites?

Watch out! I think that cat bites. 


Kate practiced a unique form of sleep, she only slept in twenty minute bursts every four hours.

Kate practiced a unique form of sleep: she only slept in twenty minute bursts every four hours.


The "Gravity Potato" map was designed by the German Research Center for Geosciences it shows variations in Earth's gravitational pull.

The "Gravity Potato" map was designed by the German Research Center for Geosciences; it shows variations in Earth's gravitational pull.


My bucket list includes traveling to Sydney, Australia, Paris, France, Cape Town, South Africa, and Vancouver, Canada.

My bucket list includes traveling to Sydney, Australia; Paris, France; Cape Town, South Africa; and Vancouver, Canada.


The gatekeeper of the castle allows elves to enter: but excludes humans.

The gatekeeper of the castle allows elves to enter; however, he excludes humans.


The gatekeeper of the castle allows elves to enter, but he excludes humans.


The first telescope, invented in the 1600s, helped answer the question of if the moon is made of cheese?

The first telescope, invented in the 1600s, helped answer the question of if the moon is made of cheese.


My favorite movie, The Princess Bride is about three concurrent storylines; a love story between Buttercup and Westley, Inigo Montoya seeking revenge for his father's death: and a grandfather reading a book to his sick grandson.  

My favorite movie, The Princess Bride, is about three concurrent storylines: a love story between Buttercup and Westley, Inigo Montoya seeking revenge for his father's death, and a grandfather reading a book to his sick grandson.


Concerned about employees stopping work to check their email. Some companies are banning the technology, it is creating backlash among young adults.

Concerned about employees stopping work to check their email, some companies are banning the technology. It is creating backlash among young adults.


My favorite summer activities are going on long, scenic hikes, spending time with my large, loud family, and swimming in the cold, deep lake.

My favorite summer activities are going on long, scenic hikes; spending time with my large, loud family; and swimming in the cold, deep lake.


Although their subject matter varied widely, writers James Frey, Jayson Blair, and Greg Mortenson, share one thing in common; they disgraced themselves and damaged their careers, by fabricating stories they tried to pass off as true.

Although their subject matter varied widely, writers James Frey, Jayson Blair, and Greg Mortenson share one thing in common: they disgraced themselves and damaged their careers by fabricating stories they tried to pass off as true.
