Who is the queen in the Purim story?
What do we wear on Purim?
What do we put inside our Mishloach Manot?
Who was the king in the Purim story?
King Achashverosh
What month is Purim in?
Who is the villain in the Purim story?
What do we shake during the Purim story reading?
A Grogger
What is inside a hamantaschen?
Jam or filling
What was Haman's evil plan?
To destroy the Jewish people
How many days is Purim celebrated?
One day
What is the name of Esther's cousin who helps her?
What do we give to friends on Purim?
Mishloach Manot
What drink do some people enjoy on Purim?
What happened to Haman in the end?
He was hanged on the gallows he built for Mordechai
What type of mitzvah do we perform by hearing the Megillah?
A positive commandment (Kriyat Megillah)
Why did Esther hide her Jewish identity?
To protect herself and her people
What is the custom of giving charity on Purim called?
Matanot la'evyonim
What does the shape of the hamantaschen represent?
Haman’s hat or ears
What did Esther do to save the Jews?
She invited the king and Haman to a banquet and exposed Haman’s plan
Why is Purim considered a time of happiness and celebration?
Because it commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people from destruction
What was the king's decree about the Jews?
To kill all Jews in the kingdom
What is the custom of drinking on Purim?
To drink until one cannot tell the difference between "Blessed is Mordechai" and "Cursed is Haman"
What sweet treat is eaten on Purim?
How did Mordechai discover Haman’s evil plan?
He overheard two guards plotting against the king
Why is Purim referred to as a “hidden” miracle?
Because Hashem's role in the events is not directly mentioned in the Book of Esther